B4A Library Simple WIFI library - HotShoe    Dec 17, 2016   (32 reactions) These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security type, signal strength, and "Saved" if this network was previously saved for use on this device.
Disconnect As Boolean
Disconnects the current wifi AP connection
Returns True on success
WifiCap (EntryNumber As In B4A Library Simple WIFI library Updated V. 3.07 09-05-2018 - bgsoft    Sep 05, 2018   (44 reactions) isWifiConnectedOld As Boolean
Checks if WIFI is connected. This only checks for WIFI connection to a router
It does NOT test for Internet availability
Returns True if WIFI is connected or False if 2G, 3G, 4G, WIMAX or no connection
This method uses "getNetworkInfo()" that was deprecated in API level B4A Question Proper way to end a WiFi-Direct Connection - Robert Valentino (first post)    Jan 27, 2023   (1 reaction) Haven't look at that code in a long time. Could not figure out how to do it. Have you selected the wifidirect library 138593 B4A Library ECS/POS printer WIFI print library - hears    Dec 12, 2017   (10 reactions) THIS libary can print string ,and picture ,
same to USB print libary,only can use for ECS/POS printer,
the other printer i guess can use
.SendDataByte() function send different data format by byte.i didn't try it.
i have try this demo can make a sleep HP printer wake up,but didn't print.
https: B4A Library MLwifi Library Updated to v4.00 - Computersmith64    Feb 11, 2023   (22 reactions) connectWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_OPEN, "", 30000)
'To connect to a WPA-2 secured network
wifi.connectWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_WPA2PSK, "password", 30000)
End Sub
Public Sub Wifi_ConnectionResult(success As Boolean)
If success then
'Connected - set up sockets, etc. B4A Question Prompt to Connect to Wireless Network? - Computersmith64 (first post)    Jul 27, 2017 Simple Wifi Library. B4A Library WifiDirect Library - Erel    Jul 07, 2015   (17 reactions) Tutorial: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4android-getting-started-tutorials/30409-android-wifi-direct-tutorial.html#post176526 V1.05 is attached. New Connect2 method that allows setting the group owner. Note that there is no guarantee that the system will set the owner as requested. Wish WiFi - TCP/IP Library for ESP32 - Erel (first post)    Jun 17, 2018   (1 reaction) There is a TCP/IP library for ESP32. It is the same one as the library for ESP8266.
If there is a specific feature that is missing then it can be added. It is also possible that you can call it with inline C. B4R Question WiFi library and WiFi.StartAccessPoint. - Erel (first post)    Mar 24, 2017   (1 reaction) You can switch to STA mode to turn off the access point: https://www.b4x.-wifi-and-socket.69164/#post-438940 Spanish [LIBRERIA] Simple WIFI library Updated V.3.07 05-09-2018 - bgsoft    Sep 05, 2018   (9 reactions) isWifiConnectedOld As Boolean
Checks if WIFI is connected. This only checks for WIFI connection to a router
It does NOT test for Internet availability
Returns True if WIFI is connected or False if 2G, 3G, 4G, WIMAX or no connection
This method uses "getNetworkInfo()" that was deprecated in API level Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |