B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ViewPager based on xCustomListView - Alexander Stolte    Sep 18, 2024   (49 reactions) the Lazy Loading event is not triggered
Add ResetLazyLoadingPanels - Removes all child views from all visible pages
LazyLoading Improvments
Carousel works now in Vertical mode
B4I Native paging is now used
The paging feels smoother now
In debug mode, the swiping should now also run be B4A Library [B4X] PreoptimizedCLV - Lazy loading extension for xCustomListView - Erel    Jan 04, 2022   (41 reactions) When you add items to xCLV, each item is made of two panels. The first panel is an internal panel and the second one is the panel passed in the CLV.Add call.
This is true even with lazy loading. If you are creating lists with thousands of items or more than these panels become an issue. Preoptimized B4A Example [B4X] [XUI] ASTabMenu with xCustomListView Example - Alexander Stolte    Jul 14, 2022   (16 reactions) 90470 Hello Forum, in this Example i want to show you, how to use the ASTabMenu togehther with the xCustomListView, to handle a lot of Tabs without getting into layout problems. Attached is a B4A Example. Result: How to use? it is easy. Add a xCustomListView to the form Add a new Form with only th B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Jan 10, 2022   (4 reactions) B4A
List- and scrollview
PreoptimizedCLV - Lazy loading extension for xCustomListView
This is a cross platform class that extends xCustomListView and makes it "lazier".
APNG - animated PNG
APNG is a format that extends B4A Tutorial ? Part 2 Examples - Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers - Peter Simpson    Apr 28, 2020   (53 reactions) This will lead to greater performance of your mobile or desktop applications over time as users add more information into databases. Using the LIMIT clause is highly recommended for better performance but not essential.
I have attached 4 fully working xCLV with LL examples (1 in each of the first 4 B4A Question i want know how to load more in ScrollView - DonManfred (first post)    Nov 15, 2018   (2 reactions) 1. Use xCustomListview instead of Listview. 2. See xCustomListview Tutorial. There is a Reach end Event in which you just can fetch 10 more Items and add it to the CLV. B4A Question Product Catalog - Erel (first post)    Nov 11, 2019 xCustomListView is the latest version. You can handle the ReachEnd event and then load more items. Another approach: https://www.b4x.-with-four-columns-of-imageviews-and-many-rows.101431/#post-636920 B4A Library [B4X] CLVSelections - extended selection modes for xCustomListView - Erel    Feb 26, 2020   (16 reactions) This class extends xCustomListView library and adds more selection modes: MODE_SINGLE_ITEM_TEMP - The same as the default behavior. MODE_SINGLE_ITEM_PERMANENT - Single item is selected and the selection remains. MODE_MULTIPLE_ITEMS- Multiple items can be selected. There is also a helper method tha B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] xCustomListView - cross platform CustomListView - Erel    Dec 24, 2023   (46 reactions) - V1.50 - Large update.
VisibleRangeChanged event. With this event it is possible to show longer lists with complex items: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-customlistview-lazy-loading-virtualization.87930/
FindIndexFromOffset - quickly finds the index of the item in the specified i B4A Question [B4X] ScrollView cross platform [Solved] - Mahares (first post)    Apr 24, 2020   (1 reaction) No. you do not need the first line. Also, you do not load a layout on a Customlistviw (also known as xCLV) like you show in your 2nd line. You create a layout with the xCLV in it as a customview (of course you need the library) in the designer and load it to an activity or panel. xCLV is based on sc Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |