Games [XUI2D] Example Pack - Erel    Oct 2, 2022   (33 reactions)   tags: example games, XUI2D Games Updated thread based on X2 v2.0+: is not 100% up to date. It was created before the X2 library was available. All the X2 modules are now packed as a single b4x lib. 300267245 The examples pack is a single zip with all the XUI2D examples. The code modules and files are shared between the projects. See this tutorial for more information... following a path - Angry birds example - Space Shooter - Tetris - X2 Source Code Video tutorial... Games [XUI2D] Cross platform tips - Erel    Dec 19, 2018   (17 reactions)   tags: b4x folder structure XUI2D allows us to develop games that run on B4A, B4J and B4i. This tutorial will explain... they will be updated automatically when we run the project. Tips - B4A and B4J XUI2D library is based on jBox2D. B4i iXUI2D is based on the C++ box2d. In most cases the behavior will be the same. However there are some edge cases. - Be careful with modifying returned B2Vec2 vectors unless.... Not just XUI2D.... Games [XUI2D] X2 v2.0 - 2021 - Erel    Jul 22, 2022   (24 reactions) - Touchy - - Tank Attack - - Collisions - - LargeBackground - - Breakout - Games [XUI2D] To Collide or Not To Collide - Erel    Sep 12, 2018   (6 reactions)   tags: Box2d Collision . You can use X2.AddFutureTask to run something after the events complete. Nice tutorial about box2d collisions: The example is included in the examples pack: (0xFFFF). 0xFFFF in base 2 is 1111 1111 1111 1111. Category bits should be a power of 2. This means... detecting the collision. The third ground body mask bits value is 65529 = 0xFFFF - 4 - 2 = 1111 1111... B4A Tutorial android.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion - Erel    Oct 18, 2023   (93 reactions)   tags: runtime permission, sdk version, Targetsdk, SDK, B4A There are several versioned components that affect the compilation process and the runtime behavior of our apps. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the differences between them and help you choose which version to use. Each Android version is mapped to an api level. You can see this mapping here: The api level is used in our code. minSdkVersion Set in the manifest editor. Default value is 5 (Android 2.0). This one is very... Games [XUI2D] Mouse following a path - Erel    Nov 1, 2018   (8 reactions) . 2. How to use the new async drawing features added in BitmapCreator v4.5. These features are very important as they allow us to make drawings directly to X2.MainBC. X2.MainBC is the BitmapCreator that all the bodies are drawn to (by default). Start with this tutorial: It looks like this: gs.DrawingTasks.Add(X2.MainBC.AsyncDrawCircle(v.X, v.Y, 5... object. This object holds the information that is required to later make the drawing. Remember that X2... B4A Code Snippet SaveAs - Let the user select a target folder + list of other related methods - Erel    Nov 1, 2024   (44 reactions) File.Copy2(Source, out) out.Close Return True End If Return False... B4A Tutorial Background location tracking - Erel    Jul 3, 2024   (50 reactions)   tags: Longrunningaoo, background clock alive, B4A Background location, gps, B4A Simple example of a foreground service that keeps the process running in the background. The current location is shown in the persistent notification. The app starts at boot and theoretically should run all the time. It also schedules itself to run with StartServiceAt. This can help in cases where the OS kills the process. Rele... B4J Library [B4X] X2 / XUI2D (Box2D) - Game engine - Erel    Jul 31, 2019   (26 reactions) XUI2D is a wrapper for jbox2d engine: License: iXUI2D is a wrapper for Box2D: XUI2D and iXUI2D share the same API and together with BitmapCreator, XUI library and the X2 library they allow to...+). Download X2.b4xlib (this is a cross platform library) and copy it to the additional libraries folder. Current versions: - BitmapCreator - latest version is preinstalled. - XUI2D - latest version... B4i Tutorial Creating a certificate and provisioning profile - Erel    Sep 12, 2024   (17 reactions) distribution profile (ad hoc) Next tutorial: Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |