B4A Question How to play youtube video in ExoPlayer - drgottjr (first post)    Jan 09, 2020   (1 reaction) you need the so-called "video information". start here:
you'll start with "v=T6vELKGu-GA", extract the video information, parse it and back yourself into the long url form you are familiar with.
(note: the easiest way is to get the free youtube api key a B4A Question Exoplayer Youtube Dash - FrankDev (first post)    Jan 15, 2017 first link is from your example.
the 'how to' from stackoverflow
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29607104/how-to-play-youtube-video-in-exoplayer-in-android B4A Library Youtube View - Embed videos in your apps! - analizer3816 (first post)    Jan 18, 2017 Yes, but exoplayer cannot play copyrighted youtube video (tried with dash url from copyrighted and non copyrighted video,it works with non copyrighted video only)
Copyrigted youtube video dash url will works well if get from www.sfrom.net only. B4A Question About Exoplayer Create Dash Source - piyushvekariya025    Apr 12, 2020 Hi, I want to play youtube video in exoplayer. But I don't know where to get or how to Create youtube Dash Source? B4A Question has youtube dashmpd gone astray? - johnmie    Apr 12, 2018 Do you have any experience with the latest YouTube api?
I have tried practically all of the suggestions found on this forum to play a youtube video in a simpleexoplayerview and received large text files (> 40KB) listing a.o. "dash_manifest_version=5" and "=1.0" and 12 instances starting with "signa B4A Question [Solved] How I can play one video from youtube in ExoPlayer? - Erel (first post)    Mar 02, 2017   (2 reactions) You need to find the link to the video stream. See this thread: https://www.b4x.-youtube-dash.75195 B4A Question Need to run YouTube video inside my App - Almora (first post)    Jun 29, 2019 https://www.b4x.-youtube-dash.75195/ B4A Question youtube not play video with webview on overlay window - analizer3816 (first post)    Jan 16, 2017 Because it can play youtube in floating window and background. Youtube library cannot play in floating window, must put youtube on activity only.
Exoplayer,I don't know how to get dash url.
Can you suggest me about dash url? B4A Library addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper - Sjuanj (first post)    Jul 13, 2023 Thanks for the reply
I am using google translator, I hope it is understood well.
Dash files (*.mpd) may have drm ( digital rights management ) protection. There are several types: widevine (Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video...), or clearkey (dazn, movistar+...).
With very few lines of code it B4A Library ExoPlayer - MediaPlayer / VideoView Alternative - Erel (first post)    Jul 24, 2017 It will not work with YouTube urls. See this thread for a solution that worked in the past: https://www.b4x.-youtube-dash.75195/#content
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