A new old acquaintance (UltimateWebView) returns on the first day of 2024. This library is my New Year's greeting to all the members of this really special forum, a forum that doesn't let the good old BASIC programming language go into oblivion. The new library is called UltimateWebView2 and is a completely new design (it doesn't rely on the old library). Also, this library is the successor of the WebkitLibrarySet library, which has a lot of difficulties in working with older versions of Android.
The UltimateWebView2 library is the successor of the WebkitLibrarySet and old UltimateWebView library. This library is a complete java wrapper, while the previous versions are a B4X libraries. This opens up many possibilities in the functioning of the library as well as for future updates.
The UltimateWebView2 library, like WebkitLibrarySet, can be used with the native B4A WebView object. It is also possible to initialize the UltimateWebView object with the native WebView object like in example below:
In order for B4A WebView or UltimateWebView to display the desired WEB content, it is necessary to enable "ClearTextTraffic" by adding the following line to the manifest:
The Webkit Compat package (androidx.webkit:webkit) is integrated into this library for the first time. UltimateWebView2 library contains many methods from this package. This package enables the compatibility of this library with a large number of old and new devices. For example, without this package, the SafeBrowsing option is only possible from API26 and above, while with this package this option is available on much older devices. This package also relies on the native Android System WebView application from which it pulls many functions. In practice, this means that if the Android System WebView application is up to date on an old device, that device will have some features that are not available on the version of the system that device has. This package does not need to be downloaded additionally because it is integrated into the UltimateWebView2 library itself. In the future, many more methods and classes will be added from this package that provides additional capabilities related to the WebView object.
The main object of this library is, of course, the UltimateWebView object which contains many more methods and properties than the standard B4A WebView object. As before, UltimateWebView can be added through the Designer, with the fact that in this library UltimateWebView is a standard View object that can be used in other libraries (the previous version from WebkitLibrarySet and old UltimateWebView could not).
The UltimateDownloadListener, UltimateWebChromeClient and UltimateWebViewClient classes have been improved and optimized compared to their predecessors. They also contain a certain number of new events. These classes when integrated into UltimateWebView or WebView provide many features that bring UltimateWebView or WebView closer to standard Web browsers like Chrome. Some of those possibilities are: downloading files (UltimateDownloadListener), uploading files (UltimateWebChromeClient), launching external applications (UltimateWebViewClient), geolocation (UltimateWebChromeClient), WebRTC (UltimateWebChromeClient), full-screen video viewing (UltimateWebChromeClient), etc...
When I have time I will do tutorials for each of these classes and explain the events they contain and their usage. Depending on which feature you want, add the following lines to the manifest:
In addition to classes, this library also contains modules. Modules contain static variables and methods. Some classes have their own child module with the same name as the parent class (for example FileChooserParams exists as both a class and a module). For more information, see the list of classes and modules below.
It is not recommended to use this library with other custom WebView libraries because class conflicts may occur. In fact, no other custom WebView library is required.
Classes and modules:
In addition to the zipped library file, three examples are attached. Example1 is based on using the UltimateWebView object which is added via the Designer. Example2 shows the use of an UltimateWebView object that is initialized with a native B4A WebView object which is added via the Designer. Example3 shows the use of the library to work only with the native B4A WebView object which is added directly through the Designer (without using the UltimateWebView object).
For all additional questions and solutions, please write in this thread, or start a new thread. I will not answer private questions related to this library (I did in the past) so that solutions and suggestions are available to everyone on the forum.
If this libraries makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.
The UltimateWebView2 library is the successor of the WebkitLibrarySet and old UltimateWebView library. This library is a complete java wrapper, while the previous versions are a B4X libraries. This opens up many possibilities in the functioning of the library as well as for future updates.
The UltimateWebView2 library, like WebkitLibrarySet, can be used with the native B4A WebView object. It is also possible to initialize the UltimateWebView object with the native WebView object like in example below:
UltimateWebView1.Initialize2("UltimateWebView1",WebView1) 'WebView1 is native B4A WebView
In order for B4A WebView or UltimateWebView to display the desired WEB content, it is necessary to enable "ClearTextTraffic" by adding the following line to the manifest:
A necessary line in the manifest:
The Webkit Compat package (androidx.webkit:webkit) is integrated into this library for the first time. UltimateWebView2 library contains many methods from this package. This package enables the compatibility of this library with a large number of old and new devices. For example, without this package, the SafeBrowsing option is only possible from API26 and above, while with this package this option is available on much older devices. This package also relies on the native Android System WebView application from which it pulls many functions. In practice, this means that if the Android System WebView application is up to date on an old device, that device will have some features that are not available on the version of the system that device has. This package does not need to be downloaded additionally because it is integrated into the UltimateWebView2 library itself. In the future, many more methods and classes will be added from this package that provides additional capabilities related to the WebView object.
The main object of this library is, of course, the UltimateWebView object which contains many more methods and properties than the standard B4A WebView object. As before, UltimateWebView can be added through the Designer, with the fact that in this library UltimateWebView is a standard View object that can be used in other libraries (the previous version from WebkitLibrarySet and old UltimateWebView could not).
The UltimateDownloadListener, UltimateWebChromeClient and UltimateWebViewClient classes have been improved and optimized compared to their predecessors. They also contain a certain number of new events. These classes when integrated into UltimateWebView or WebView provide many features that bring UltimateWebView or WebView closer to standard Web browsers like Chrome. Some of those possibilities are: downloading files (UltimateDownloadListener), uploading files (UltimateWebChromeClient), launching external applications (UltimateWebViewClient), geolocation (UltimateWebChromeClient), WebRTC (UltimateWebChromeClient), full-screen video viewing (UltimateWebChromeClient), etc...
When I have time I will do tutorials for each of these classes and explain the events they contain and their usage. Depending on which feature you want, add the following lines to the manifest:
WebRTC manifest requirements:
'WebRTC camera & audio permissions
AddPermission(android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS) 'optional
Geolocation manifest requirements:
'Geolocation Permissions
In addition to classes, this library also contains modules. Modules contain static variables and methods. Some classes have their own child module with the same name as the parent class (for example FileChooserParams exists as both a class and a module). For more information, see the list of classes and modules below.
It is not recommended to use this library with other custom WebView libraries because class conflicts may occur. In fact, no other custom WebView library is required.
Classes and modules:
- ClientCertRequest - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- ConsoleMessage - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods.
- CookieManager - class
- DownloadProperties - custom class, not part of original android.webkit package.
- FileChooserParams - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods. Class cannot be initialized by the user.
- GeolocationPermission - class
- GeolocationPermissionCallback - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- HitTestResult - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods. Class cannot be initialized by the user.
- HttpAuthHandler - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- JsPromptResult - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- JsResult - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- MimeTypeMap - a module which contains static methods.
- PermissionRequest - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods. Class cannot be initialized by the user.
- SafeBrowsingResponse - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- SslError - part of android.net.http package. There is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods. Class cannot be initialized by the user.
- SslErrorHandler - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- UltimateDownloadListener - class
- UltimateJavascriptInterface - class
- UltimateWebChromeClient - class
- UltimateWebView - custom WebView object compatible with native B4A WebView (class).
- UltimateWebViewClient - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods.
- URLUtil - a module which contains static methods.
- ValueCallbackUri - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- WebBackForwardList - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- WebHistoryItem - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- WebResourceRequest - class. This class cannot be initialized by the user.
- WebResourceResponse - class
- WebSettings - there is both a class and a module. A module can contain static variables and methods
- WebViewAssetLoader - part of androidx.webkit package (Webkit compat package) which is integrated in this library (extra packages not required)
- WebViewDatabase - class
In addition to the zipped library file, three examples are attached. Example1 is based on using the UltimateWebView object which is added via the Designer. Example2 shows the use of an UltimateWebView object that is initialized with a native B4A WebView object which is added via the Designer. Example3 shows the use of the library to work only with the native B4A WebView object which is added directly through the Designer (without using the UltimateWebView object).
For all additional questions and solutions, please write in this thread, or start a new thread. I will not answer private questions related to this library (I did in the past) so that solutions and suggestions are available to everyone on the forum.
If this libraries makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.

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