iOS Code Snippet B4i Screenshots resizer


I have managed to upload my first B4i App (still under Review, i hope soon it will be approved by apple and i will share the App Store link)

What i wanted to share with you is, while setting up my App in Itunes Connect i had to put at least 1 Screenshot for every Screensize (3.5" - 4" - 4.7" - 5.5" - ipad)

it took me a while to resize 5 images for 5 screensizes (no transparency allowed!!) so i decided to make a small App that will do it automaticly and wanted to share it here for FREE.

It's very simple to use just load 5 images (Landscape or Portrait) and click save, the app will resize it to all screensize's and save it to seperate Folders...

Have fun and Good luck to all comunity with B4i developing :)


EDIT: 19/01/2015 i have uploaded a new file after fixing a bug reported by filippo...

EDIT: 21/02/2015 Fillippo and MikeH request added + icon(logo) resizer (for Store 1024*1024 and all 4 icons for the app 76*2,60*2,76,60)

EDIT: 30/10/2015 Version 1.2 will also create ipad pro screenshots (2048 x 2732)


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Well-Known Member
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Thanks Ilan, now a VERY useful tool.

I`ve also emailed you :)


Licensed User
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Thanks - it saved me a BUNCH of time!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks, Ilan.

I had an error report on an icon file, maybe because it was too big (altho it worked when the backgroundwas still transparent)

It would be nice if it stored the path of the selected file, now it always seems to go to the desktop.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks, Ilan.

I had an error report on an icon file, maybe because it was too big (altho it worked when the backgroundwas still transparent)

It would be nice if it stored the path of the selected file, now it always seems to go to the desktop.

hi sorex, it should store the path of the selected file, when you load the firsttime an image it goes (as i remember) to mydocuments folder and after you have choosen an image it will save that path and open that path on the next time you load an image.

try to run it as administrator ...


Licensed User
Longtime User
it seems to store it for the images but not for the icon?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I was resizing the icon only before I was adding the images.


Licensed User
Longtime User
yes that could be, i will need to store the path also for the icon...
Ilan , now the itunes store also request screenshots for ipad pro. Can you add this function . I cant submit my app :)

edit: I manually resized my pics to 2048 x 2732. that is the size for your innformaiton
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ilan , now the itunes store also request screenshots for ipad pro. Can you add this function . I cant submit my app :)

edit: I manually resized my pics to 2048 x 2732. that is the size for your innformaiton

Ok, i will add ipad pro screenshots and upload the new exe to the first post.
Am now at work so will do it later.