I need to save the picture included in a imageview sending php to the same binary base64, but I've never done this with B4A
There are many relevant threads: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/pages/results/?query=image base64
Dim a,q,d,v,link As String
link = "http://humanequality.ddns.net:8888/cgi/panel/humanequalityapiweb.php"
a = "post_new_pocheparole"
d = "False"
q = ""
v = xtitle & "," & xcontent & "," & xautor & "," & xidautor & "," & ximage & "," & xdatetime)
Private http As HttpJob
http.Download2(link, Array As String("a",a,"q",q,"d",d,"v",v))
The limit is not in HttpUtils2. It is in http itself. You should use POST instead of GET.
See my signature (file upload b4a->php) for an example. The point is that you need to use a "Multipart Post Request".I speak also to use post instead of get