B4A Library FlingableWebView


A modified version of the b4a WebView that supports various gestures/fling events.

For more info and some examples see this thread: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/get-left-or-right-swipe-from-panel-over-webview.32611/.

Here's the documentation:

  • FlingableWebView
    • DoubleTap (X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    • Fling (MovementX As Float, VelocityX As Float, MovementY As Float, VelocityY As Float) As Boolean
    • LongPress (X As Float, Y As Float)
    • OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean
    • PageFinished (Url As String)
    • SingleTap (X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    • UserAndPasswordRequired (Host As String, Realm As String) As String()
    • Back
    • BringToFront
    • CaptureBitmap As BitmapWrapper
    • Forward
    • Initialize (arg1 As String)
    • Invalidate
    • Invalidate2 (arg0 As Rect)
    • Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • LoadHtml (Html As String)
    • LoadUrl (Url As String)
    • RemoveView
    • RequestFocus As Boolean
    • SendToBack
    • SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As Bitmap)
    • SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
    • StopLoading
    • Zoom (In As Boolean) As Boolean
    • android.permission.INTERNET
    • Background As Drawable
    • Color As Int [write only]
    • Enabled As Boolean
    • Height As Int
    • JavaScriptEnabled As Boolean
    • Left As Int
    • Tag As Object
    • Top As Int
    • Url As String [read only]
    • Visible As Boolean
    • Width As Int
    • ZoomEnabled As Boolean

It's a drop in replacement for the default b4a WebView - with the extra events supported.



  • FlingableWebView_0_02.zip
    9 KB · Views: 1,295


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If it's a replacement, it would be nice if becomes part of the B4A "core".

Also, if you could, add more descriptive prompts for the arguments, for example "arg0" is not really useful as opposed to "Left" for example.
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I am using this lib in some of my Apps to display static html pages for "help" menu.

Today I have got a warning on the GooglePlay developper console that basically says :

You have a security flaw in your code allowing "man in the middle attack" due to the fact that you do not test WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError

@warwound, I have checked the events rized in your App and I can't find any _onReceivedSslError...
Is there a way to add the code requested by Google ? I am afraid that most of my Apps will be blacklisted sooner or later if I don't correct the problem (even though there is probably no issue with my usecase..) ?

Here is (sorry in french) the full message I got from Google

Alerte de sécurité

Votre application présente une mise en œuvre non sécurisée du gestionnaire WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError. Plus précisément, toutes les erreurs de validation du certificat SSL sont ignorées, ce qui rend l'application vulnérable en cas d'attaques dites "de l'homme du milieu". Un pirate informatique pourrait modifier le contenu WebView affecté, lire les données transmises (telles que les identifiants de connexion) et exécuter du code au sein de l'application à l'aide de JavaScript.

Pour traiter correctement la validation des certificats SSL, modifiez votre code de sorte à invoquerSslErrorHandler.proceed() dans les cas où le certificat présenté par le serveur correspond à vos critères, et à invoquer SslErrorHandler.cancel() dans les autres cas. Une alerte indiquant les classes et les applications concernées a été envoyée à l'adresse e-mail de votre compte de développeur.

Veuillez corriger cette faille au plus vite et modifier en conséquence le numéro de version du fichier APK mis à jour. Pour en savoir plus sur le gestionnaire d'erreur SSL, consultez notre documentation dans le Centre d'aide pour les développeurs. Si vous avez d'autres questions techniques, publiez un message sur le sitehttps://www.stackoverflow.com/questions en utilisant les tgas "android-security" et "SslErrorHandler". Si vous utilisez une bibliothèque tierce responsable de cette faille, veuillez prendre contact avec le tiers concerné pour résoudre le problème.

Pour confirmer que vous avez correctement effectué la mise à jour, importez la nouvelle version dans la console développeur et vérifiez dans cinq heures. Un avertissement est affiché si l'application n'a pas été mise à jour correctement.

Thank you in advance


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I'll take a look at the problem over the next day or two.

Thank you for that !

By the way, i did googled a little into your posts and found the excellent AJWebkit library.
Using this lib I have modified my code. It now looks like this

Sub Process_Globals

End Sub

Sub Globals
    Dim FlingableWebView1 As FlingableWebView
    Dim DefaultWebViewClient1 As DefaultWebViewClient
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Activity.AddView(FlingableWebView1, 32dip, 32dip, 100%x-64dip, 100%y-64dip)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub FlingableWebView1_DoubleTap(X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    Log("FlingableWebView1_DoubleTap "&X&", "&Y)
    '    this Sub must return a Boolean value
    '    return False to indicate that you have not handled the event
    '    the WebView will take it's default action
    '    return True to indicate that you have handled the event
    '    the WebView will take no action
    Return False
End Sub

Sub FlingableWebView1_Fling(MovementX As Float, VelocityX As Float, MovementY As Float, VelocityY As Float) As Boolean
    Log("FlingableWebView1_Fling "&MovementX&" "&VelocityX&" | "&MovementY&" "&VelocityY)
    '    this Sub must return a Boolean value
    '    return False to indicate that you have not handled the event
    '    the WebView will take it's default action
    '    return True to indicate that you have handled the event
    '    the WebView will take no action
    Return False
End Sub

Sub FlingableWebView1_LongPress(X As Float, Y As Float)
    Log("FlingableWebView1_LongPress "&X&", "&Y)
    '    note this event has no return value
End Sub

Sub FlingableWebView1_PageFinished (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, Url As String)
    Log("FlingableWebView1_PageFinished Url="&Url)
End Sub

Sub FlingableWebView1_SingleTap(X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    Log("FlingableWebView1_SingleTap "&X&", "&Y)
    '    this Sub must return a Boolean value
    '    return False to indicate that you have not handled the event
    '    the WebView will take it's default action
    '    return True to indicate that you have handled the event
    '    the WebView will take no action
    Return False
End Sub
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String)
    Log("error" & Description)
End Sub
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedSslError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
    Log("error" )
End Sub

I have trapped the ReceivedError event as well as the ReceivedSSLError
I pushed the Apk to the google Play and this morning the Security warning had disappeared !

The notification is now : Il semble que tout fonctionne correctement.Vous n'avez reçu aucune alerte récente.

So far so good !
I must admit that I did nothing more than trapping the error, but it seems that it is enough for Google !

Please tell me if what I did is the right way to handle the problem ?
Thanks again


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Google's complaint was that if an SSL error occurred then the code would blindly ignore the error - creating a wide open back door into the WebView.
They want your code to instead do something in the ReceivedSslError event - look at the error and make an intelligent decision whether to proceed or not.

So as long as your code doesn't blindly call the SslErrorHandler Proceed method you should be ok.


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Google's complaint was that if an SSL error occurred then the code would blindly ignore the error - creating a wide open back door into the WebView.
They want your code to instead do something in the ReceivedSslError event - look at the error and make an intelligent decision whether to proceed or not.

So as long as your code doesn't blindly call the SslErrorHandler Proceed method you should be ok.
Thank you !


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Longtime User
Thank you for that !

By the way, i did googled a little into your posts and found the excellent AJWebkit library.
Using this lib I have modified my code. It now looks like this

Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String)
    Log("error" & Description)
End Sub
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedSslError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
    Log("error" )
End Sub


I have the same problem. I understand that you solved changing the FringableWebView with the AJWebkit library and adding Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedError and Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedSslError to your code, wasn't it?

Did you delete the FringableWebView library too?

My webView load html that it's into the code (no internet conection is needed) so I understand that google is only watching that RecivedSslError is handled.
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yes right !

Same issue as you ...

- suppress the ref "flingablevebview" lib in the IDE and add AJWebkit
- add these lines :
Sub Globals
    Dim FlingableWebView1 As FlingableWebView
    Dim DefaultWebViewClient1 As DefaultWebViewClient
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

- add the two subs to "handle" the errors
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String)
End Sub
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedSslError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
End Sub
It should work, google will suppress the security warning within less than a day.


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Longtime User
yes right !

Same issue as you ...

- suppress the ref "flingablevebview" lib in the IDE and add AJWebkit
- add these lines :
Sub Globals
    Dim FlingableWebView1 As FlingableWebView
    Dim DefaultWebViewClient1 As DefaultWebViewClient
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

- add the two subs to "handle" the errors
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String)
End Sub
Sub DefaultWV_ReceivedSslError (FlingableWebView As FlingableWebView, SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
End Sub
It should work, google will suppress the security warning within less than a day.

Thanks a lot!


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Longtime User
I am getting the same warning from Google regarding: WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError
Is it correct that this involves your flingable Webview version (which you originally made for me a couple of years ago)?

Google must be looking at how your code handles an SSL error.
With the early version of the library an SSL error was silently ignored and loading of the webpage blindly allowed to continue - this was hardcoded into the library.
Google is complaining about this - it doesn't want your code to ignore the error and continue regardless.

AJWebKit allows you to take whatever action you like when an SSL error occurs.
So switch to AJWebKit and handle the SSL error event and you should find Google no longer complains.


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In post #5 I gave all the modified code to have a "flingablewebview" with error trackings.
It works for google, the security warning is no longer there !


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'Flingablewebview' I want to ask you about two things.
1) How do I read the scroll position and change it?
2) When I zoom, scroll horizontally before they occur, how do I make the move to the bottom line of text located in the word? CSS in "word-wrap: break-word;" As the property ....


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@warwound I'm having a problem with fringable webView. I try to contact U in a private convesation but i get an error.

I get this error while compiling:

B4A version: 5.50
Parsing code. (0.83s)
Compiling code. (0.47s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.02s)
Generating R file. (0.53s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (2.51s)
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 81
javac 1.8.0_111
src\AppName\com\MyClass.java:442: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method SetWebViewClient(WebViewClient)
location: variable _fwebview1 of type FlingableWebView
1 error
Something is happening with the fringable webView :(

Edit: I'm Using API 24
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Can I export the projet or just upload the folder project?
without additional libs...
From the IDE:
File->Export as zip
Select zipname to save.

Upload this zip file.


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without additional libs...
From the IDE:
File->Export as zip
Select zipname to save.

Upload this zip file.
Thanks a lot.

I think the problem is a corrupted file in my computer.

Y restore a project backup and now it's working. I use Dropbox to store my projects, maybe some file was corrupted 'cause now it's working.

I'll be checking the project in this week. Thanks.