B4A Class Dropbox API V2. All HTTP! All using httputils2

Update April 2017:
Google has changed the ability to use a Webview to get an OAuth-Token. Due to this change it no longer works to get an OAuth-Token using a Webview.
This library is not useable anymore except if you use the Lib only using YOUR token which is hardcoded in your app. This will work.
But if you need to get Access to a Users Dropbox then you can´t use this lib anymore. I suggest to switch to my Java-Wrap for the Drobox Api V2. Here you are able to get an OAuth-Token as this lib does not depend on a Webview.


As you can read here Dropbox has decided to deprecate the Sync and Datastore APIs over the next 12 months. Drobox has now released an new preview site for the new V2 API

Dropbox released an API Explorer for their V2 api.
See the announce too for the explorer.


This thread is about the HTTP version of the new Dropbox V2 api.
See the documentation here: https://www.dropbox.com/developers-preview/documentation/http#documentation

The attached B4A Library is using this new HTTP Api

The Library is available as Library (jar + xml). Please download DropboxV2_libraryfiles_v091.zip to get the files. Extract the content to your additional Librariespath

Please download DropboxHTTPv2librarysource_V0.91 if you want to change the class. Use this project and compile it to a library to get the correct jar and xml created by yourself
In most cases you dont need this one.

DonManfred <msy1912@gmail.com>
Version: 0.93
  • DropBox
    • Account (meta As Map)
    • AddFolderMember (meta As Map)
    • Copy (meta As Map)
    • CreateFolder (path_lower As String, name As String)
    • CreateSharedLink (meta As Map)
    • CurrentAccount (meta As Map)
    • Delete (meta As Map)
    • Delta (meta As Map)
    • DownloadLink (meta As Map)
    • FileDownloadFinished (session As Map)
    • FileSearch (result As Map)
    • FileUpload (session As Map)
    • FolderMetadata (meta As Map)
    • GetSharedLinks (meta As Map)
    • GetURLJob (meta As Map)
    • JobStatus (meta As Map)
    • LatestCursor (meta As Map)
    • ListFolder (meta As Map)
    • ListFolders (folders As Map)
    • ListfolderMembers (meta As Map)
    • MetaData (meta As Map)
    • MountFolder (meta As Map)
    • Move (meta As Map)
    • Preview (meta As Map)
    • RelinquishFolderMembership (meta As Map)
    • RemoveFolderMember (meta As Map)
    • Revisions (revs As Map)
    • RevokeSharedLink (meta As Map)
    • SaveURL (meta As Map)
    • ShareFile (meta As Map)
    • ShareFolder (folders As Map)
    • ShareJobStatus (meta As Map)
    • SpaceUsage (meta As Map)
    • Thumbnail (bmp As Bitmap, Tag As Object)
    • TransferFolder (meta As Map)
    • UnmountFolder (meta As Map)
    • UnshareFolder (meta As Map)
    • UpdateFolderMember (meta As Map)
    • UpdateFolderPolicy (meta As Map)
    • UploadSessionFinish (session As Map)
    • UploadSessionStatus (session As Map)
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
      Tests whether the object has been initialized.
    • add_folder_member (shared_folder_id As String, email As String, dropbox_id As String, access_level As String, quiet As Boolean, custom_message As String) As String
      Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update
      policy allows) of a shared folder to add
      another member.
      For the new member To get access To all the
      functionality For this folder, you will need
      To call mount_folder on their behalf.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • check_job_status (async_job_id As String) As String
      Returns the status of an asynchronous job.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • check_share_job_status (async_job_id As String) As String
      Returns the status of an asynchronous job for
      sharing a folder.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • copy (fromPath As String, toPath As String) As String
      Copy a file or folder to a different location in
      the user's Dropbox.
      If the source path Is a folder all its contents
      will be copied.
    • createfolder (path As String) As String
      Create a folder at a given path.
    • createsharedlink (path As String, shorturl As Boolean) As String
      Create a shared link.
      If a shared link already exists For the given path,
      that link Is returned.

      Note that in the returned PathLinkMetadata, the
      PathLinkMetadata.url field Is the shortened URL
      If CreateSharedLinkArg.short_url argument Is set
      to True.
      Previously, it was technically possible To break
      a shared link by moving Or renaming the corresponding
      File Or folder. In the future, this will no longer
      be the Case, so your app shouldn't rely on this
      behavior. Instead, if your app needs to revoke a
      shared link, use revoke_shared_link.
    • delete (path As String) As String
      Not yet finished....
    • download (path As String, destpath As String, destfile As String) As String
      Download a file from a user's Dropbox.
    • getaccount (accountID As String) As String
      Get information about a user's account.
      The Event
    • getcurrentaccount As String
      Get information about the current user's account.
    • getdelta (cursor As String, locale As String, includeMediaInfo As Boolean) As String
    • getdownloadlink (path As String) As String
    • getfoldermetadata (SharedFolderID As String, IncludeMembership As Boolean) As String
      Returns shared folder metadata by its folder ID.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • getlatestcursor (path As String, recursive As Boolean) As String
      A way to quickly get a cursor for the folder's state.
      Unlike list_folder, list_folder/get_latest_cursor doesn't
      return any entries. This endpoint is for app which only
      needs to know about new files and modifications and doesn't
      need to know about files that already exist in Dropbox.
    • getmetadata (path As String) As String
      Returns the metadata for a file or folder.
    • getpreview (path As String) As String
      Get a preview for a file. Currently previews are only
      generated for the files with the following extensions:
      .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pps, .ppsx, .ppsm,
      .pptx, .pptm, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .rtf
    • getrevisions (path As String, revlimit As Int) As String
      Return revisions of a file
    • getsharedlinks (path As String) As String
      Returns a list of LinkMetadata objects for this user,
      including collection links.
      If no path Is given Or the path Is empty, returns a
      list of all shared links For the current user,
      including collection links.
      If a non-empty path Is given, returns a list of all
      shared links that allow access To the given path.
      Collection links are never returned in this Case.

      Note that the url field in the response Is never the shortened URL.
    • getsharefilelink (path As String) As String
    • getspaceusage As String
      Get the space usage information for the current user's account.
    • getthumbnail (path As String, format As String, size As String) As String
      Gets a thumbnail for an image.
      format - jpeg (default) Or png.
      For images that are photos, jpeg should be preferred,
      While png Is better For screenshots And digital art.

      size One of the following values (default: s):
      value dimensions (px)
      xs 32x32
      s 64x64
      m 128x128
      l 640x480
      xl 1024x768
    • geturljob (JobID As String) As String
    • getversion As String
    • initialize (CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String, AccessToken As String, debug As Boolean) As String
      Initialize the Dropbox Class.
    • listfolder (path As String) As String
      Returns the contents of a folder.
    • listfoldercontinue (cursor As String) As String
    • listfoldermembers (SharedFolderID As String) As String
      Returns shared folder membership by its folder ID.
      Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • listfoldermemberscontinue (cursor As String) As String
    • listfolders As String
    • listfolderscontinue (cursor As String) As String
      Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_folder_members,
      use this to paginate through all shared folder members.

      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • logversioninfo As String
    • mount_folder (SharedFolderID As String) As String
      The current user mounts the designated folder.
      Mount a shared folder For a user after they have
      been added As a member. Once mounted, the shared
      folder will appear in their Dropbox.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • move (fromPath As String, toPath As String) As String
      Move a file or folder to a different location in
      the user's Dropbox.
      If the source path Is a folder all its contents
      will be moved.
    • relinquish_folder_membership (SharedFolderID As String) As String
      The current user relinquishes their membership
      in the designated shared folder and will no
      longer have access to the folder. A folder
      owner cannot relinquish membership in their
      own folder.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • remove_folder_member (shared_folder_id As String, email As String, dropbox_id As String, leave_a_copy As Boolean) As String
      Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy
      allows) of a shared folder to remove another member.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • revokesharedlink (url As String) As String
      Revoke a shared link.
      This API Is only supported For full dropbox apps.
    • saveurl (url As String, destpath As String) As String
    • search (path As String, searchquery As String) As String
      Searches for files and folders.
    • sharefolder (Path As String, MemberPolicy As String, acl_update_policy As String, shared_link_policy As String, forceAsync As Boolean) As String
      path String
      The path To the folder To share. If it does Not exist, Then a new one Is created.

      member_policy String
      MemberPolicy Who can be a member of this shared folder.
      Policy governing who can be a member of a shared folder.
      Only applicable To folders owned by a user on a team.
      The value will be one of the following datatypes.
      New values may be introduced As our API evolves.

      "team" Only a teammate can become a member.
      "anyone" Anyone can become a member.

      acl_update_policy String
      AclUpdatePolicy Who can add And remove members of this shared folder.
      Policy governing who can change a shared folder's access control
      list (ACL). In other words, who can add, remove, or change the
      privileges of members.The value will be one of the following
      datatypes. New values may be introduced as our API evolves.

      "owner" Only the owner can update the ACL.
      "editors" Any editor can update the ACL.
      This may be further restricted To editors on the same team.

      shared_link_policy String
      The policy To apply To shared links created For
      content inside this shared folder.
      Policy governing who can view shared links.The value
      will be one of the following datatypes. New values
      may be introduced As our API evolves.

      "anyone" Links can be shared with anyone.
      "members" Links can only be shared among
      members of the shared folder.

      force_async Boolean
      Whether To force the share To happen asynchronously.
      The default For this field Is False.
    • transfer_folder (SharedFolderID As String, toDropboxID As String) As String
      Transfer ownership of a shared folder to a
      member of the shared folder.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • unmount_folder (SharedFolderID As String) As String
      The current user unmounts the designated folder.
      They can re-mount the folder at a later time using
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • unsharefolder (SharedFolderID As String, leaveacopy As Boolean) As String
      Allows a shared folder owner to unshare the folder.
      You'll need to call check_job_status to determine
      if the action has completed successfully.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • update_folder_member (shared_folder_id As String, email As String, dropbox_id As String, access_level As String, quiet As Boolean, custom_message As String) As String
      Allows an owner or editor of a shared folder to
      update another member's permissions.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • update_folder_policy (SharedFolderID As String, MemberPolicy As String, acl_update_policy As String, shared_link_policy As String) As String
      Update the sharing policies For a shared folder.
      Warning: This endpoint Is in beta And Is subject To
      minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
    • upload (localpath As String, localFilename As String, dstpath As String, dstfilename As String) As String
      Create a new file with the contents provided
      in the request. Do Not use this To Upload a
      File larger than 150 MB. Instead, create
      an Upload session with UploadSessionStart.
    • uploadsessionstart (sessionMap As Map) As String

First we need to initialize the Class
If you want to use the class just "with your dropbox" then you can create a access_token in the Dropbox App console.

You can find an example of not using pre-created access_token in Post #45 of this thread.. It is using the OAuth2 Flow to get access to a users Dropbox.

In order they are listed on the Previewdocumentation site i´ll post Examples (or just description on how to) for each of the used endpoints.

' Event
Sub DropBox_Account(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_Account: "&meta)
End Sub
Get information about a user's account. In this case it wil get informations about MY (DonManfred) dropboxaccount.

' Event
Sub DropBox_CurrentAccount(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_CurrentAccount: "&meta)
End Sub
Get information about the current user's account. It will result in giving YOUR (the developer) account.


' Event
Sub DropBox_SpaceUsage(space As Map)
End Sub
Get the space usage information for the current user's account.


' Event
Sub DropBox_MetaData(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_MetaData: "&meta)
End Sub
Returns the metadata for a file or folder.

' dbx.ListfolderContinue is called from the result-sub
' automatically if there are more results

' Event
Sub DropBox_ListFolder(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_Listfolder: "&meta)
    Dim cursor As String = meta.Get("cursor")
    Dim has_more As String = meta.Get("has_more")
    Dim entries As List = meta.Get("entries")
    For Each colentries As Map In entries
        Dim path_lower As String = colentries.Get("path_lower")
        Dim name As String = colentries.Get("name")

        Dim tag As String = colentries.Get(".tag")
    If has_more = True Then
        Log("No more files")
        For i = 0 To filelistfolder.Size-1
        Dim resulting_files As List = WildCardFilesList(filelistfolder,"*.csv",True,True)
        For i = 0 To resulting_files.Size-1

        'kvs.PutObject("filelistfolder", filelistfolder)
    End If

End Sub
Returns the contents of a folder.
NOTE (from Dropbox): We're definitely going to streamline this interface.


' Event
Sub DropBox_LatestCursor(meta As Map)
    Dim cursor As String = meta.Get("cursor")
    longpollcursor = cursor
    Log("longpollcursor set: "&cursor)
End Sub
A way to quickly get a cursor for the folder's state. Unlike list_folder, list_folder/get_latest_cursor doesn't return any entries. This endpoint is for app which only needs to know about new files and modifications and doesn't need to know about files that already exist in Dropbox.


' Event is missing as yet.
Download a file from a user's Dropbox.
As i´m writing this forumpost i see that this method is missing a event when finished. It is working and saving the file as you can see it in the logs but the event is missing. TODO

    Dim session As Map
' This is raising multiple events.
Sub DropBox_UploadSessionStatus(session As Map)
    Dim pro As Double = session.Get("offset")/(session.Get("filesize")/100)
    Label1.Text = session.Get("offset")&" / "&session.Get("filesize")&" -> "&pro
End Sub
Sub DropBox_UploadSessionFinish(session As Map)
End Sub
Start a new upload session. This is used to upload a single file with multiple calls. I´ve tried it with files up to 20mb but should work with 500mb as well.

' Event
Sub DropBox_FileUpload(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_FileUpload: "&meta)

    Dim path As String = meta.Get("path_lower")
    Log("Path: "&path)
    Dim rev As String = meta.Get("rev")
    Log("Rev: "&rev)
    Dim name As String = meta.Get("name")
    Log("Name: "&name)
    Dim size As Int = meta.Get("size")
    Log("FileSize: "&size)
    Dim client_modified As String = meta.Get("client_modified")
    Dim server_modified As String = meta.Get("server_modified")
    Log("ClientModified: "&client_modified)
    Log("ServerModified: "&server_modified)
End Sub
Create a new file with the contents provided in the request. Should only be used for small files. Maybe up to for example 2mb... It is using ONE httputilscall to transfer the file.

' Event
Sub DropBox_FileSearch(meta As Map)
    Log("Dropbox_FileSearch: "&meta)
End Sub
Searches for files and folders in your dropbox.

' Event
Sub DropBox_Createfolder(path As String,filename As String)
End Sub
Create a folder at a given path.
No file or folder may exist at the path. The parent folder will be created if it does not already exist (and so on). If the parent exists it must be a folder (and the same for any ancestor). If an ancestor is a shared folder it must have write access.

' Event
Delete the file or folder at a given path.
If the path is a folder all its contents will be deleted too.

    ' Copy a FILE
    ' Source and Destination should point to a file

    ' Copy a FOLDER
    ' will resulting in creating a folder copyfoldertest
    ' and then all files from Export will be copied to copyfoldertest/

' Event
Sub Dropbox_copy(copyinfo As Map)
End Sub

If the path is a folder all its contents will be deleted too.

    ' Move  a FILE
    ' Move a FILE

    ' Move a FOLDER

' Event
Sub Dropbox_move(moveinfo As Map)
End Sub

This method is NOT FINISHED as yet. DON´T USE it actually. TODO

   'format jpeg (default) Or png. For images that are photos,
   ' jpeg should be preferred, While png Is better For screenshots And digital art.
  ' size One of the following values (default: s):
  'value   dimensions (px)
  ' xs     32x32
  ' s       64x64
  ' m       128x128
  ' l       640x480
  ' xl     1024x768

' Event
Sub Dropbox_Thumbnail(thumb As Bitmap, Tag As Object)
   iv1.Bitmap = thumb
End Sub
Get a thumbnail for an image.

' Event
Sub DropBox_Revisions(revlist As Map)
   Dim is_deleted As String = revlist.Get("is_deleted")
   Dim entries As List = revlist.Get("entries")
   For Each colentries As Map In entries
     Dim path As String = colentries.Get("path_lower")
     Dim revision As String = colentries.Get("rev")
     Dim name As String = colentries.Get("name")
     Dim client_modified As String = colentries.Get("client_modified")
     Dim size As Int = colentries.Get("size")
     Dim server_modified As String = colentries.Get("server_modified")
     Log($"FileRev(${path}):${revision}->${size} "$)

End Sub
Return revisions of a file

Update:: August, 20th, 2017
If you want to use Dropbox to connect to the USERS Dropbox (not YOURS) then you should look at the DropboxV2-OAuth2.zip example. It shows the way on how to get an Axccesstoken using the V2 endpoints.

The following methods are missing totally as yet: TODO

- Restore



- httputils2 (okHTTP)
- RandomAcessFile
- KeyValueStore (used in example but not really needed by the class or Library)

This Class is open source and free to used and extended by anyone!

If you want to donate for my work building the class you can do it here:


  • DropboxV2_version0.80.zip
    17.5 KB · Views: 662
  • DropboxV2_version0.85.zip
    17.7 KB · Views: 810
  • DropboxV2_libraryfiles_v093.zip
    19.6 KB · Views: 1,061
  • DropboxHTTPv2librarysource_V0.93.zip
    17.5 KB · Views: 943
  • DropboxV2-OAuth2.zip
    72.9 KB · Views: 681
Last edited:


Active Member
Licensed User
When trying to use the sample code to get the user token, I get this error from dropbox:

Error (400)
It seems the app you were using submitted a bad request. If you would like to report this error to the app's developer, include the information below.

More details for developers
Invalid redirect_uri. It must exactly match one of the redirect URIs you've pre-configured for your app (including the path

it happens in this line

www.LoadUrl("https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/authorize?client_id="& Main.clientID &"&response_type=token&redirect_uri=")

WHat Am I missing?


Licensed User
Longtime User
More details for developers
Invalid redirect_uri. It must exactly match one of the redirect URIs you've pre-configured for your app (including the path
Did you check this error? For the code you posted you need to have configured the url when creating the app in the Dropbox developer console



Active Member
Licensed User
Does anybody happens to know how to test if a folder exists?
Using listfolder, listfolders or search works if the folder exists, but if it doesn't exists, no event is raised so I can not know.


Active Member
Licensed User
While uploading a file, If the device goes to idle (screen off), after turn it on, activity resume is launched.
How do I know if there's a dropbox operation currently running, like download or upload?


Active Member
Licensed User
Ok I understand. By the way, I made this experiment, while uploading a big file, I disconnected the device from the internet, and I'd like to know if there's an event that raises so I could check if there is a problem. I the meantime, a message 'Uploading file' keeps forever displayed.


Licensed User
Longtime User

When I download large files (around 50 MB, sometimes less), my app is closed by Android because of an OutOfMemoryError. Is there a workaround for this problem? Here is the stack trace:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 69075310 byte allocation with 16777216 free bytes and 47MB until OOM
    at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.enlargeBuffer(AbstractStringBuilder.java:95)
    at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append0(AbstractStringBuilder.java:115)
    at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(StringBuilder.java:249)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.streams.File$TextReaderWrapper.ReadAll(File.java:590)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.httputils2.httpjob._getstring2(httpjob.java:189)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.httputils2.httpjob._getstring(httpjob.java:174)
    at b4a.example.dropbox._jobdone(dropbox.java:1891)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(BA.java:169)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common$5.run(Common.java:996)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:145)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6873)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1404)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1199)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I think the problem is in the httputils2 lib, not directly in the Dropbox lib. It's a SQLite database file, but the app is closed in the middle of the download, so I do nothing with the file yet. Here is the relevant part of the code:

Sub Class_Globals
   Private dbx As DropBox
End Sub

Public Sub DownloadFile(RemoteFile As String)
    Dim Tempstr As String
    Dim LocalPath As String
    Dim LocalFile As String
    Tempstr = DivelogFolder & "/" & RemoteFile
    If Command = "DownloadMF" Then
        LocalPath = File.DirInternal
        LocalFile = m_MetadataFile
        LocalPath = Common.LogDir
        LocalFile = m_SyncInfo.SqliteFile
    End If
        dbx.Download(Tempstr, LocalPath, LocalFile)
        If Command = "DownloadMF" Then
            m_SyncInfo.Available = False
            If SubExists(m_Callback, m_Event & "_SyncInfoChanged") Then
                CallSub(m_Callback, m_Event & "_SyncInfoChanged")
            End If
            ToastMessageShow(Command & " Error: " & LastException, True)
        End If
    End Try
End Sub


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all, is possible to have an example with download, upload and list? I'm trying to use this lbrary, but without any success.

Okok, all listed into class src. thanks a lot.
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
In FileUpload, is there an event that will trigger Upload Fail?

UploadSessionStatus doesn't seem to trigger upload fail, i tried it without network connection but it does not work.


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello DonManfred:

I have developped a project with B4A-V3.82.
Communicating through emails and ftp with different servers.
I want to expand communications via DropBox.
I see The Sync API has-been deprecated.
As is impossible DropBox V3.82.

Supports your new Dropbox API V2 with B4A-V3.82?
I need to acquire new version of B4a?