Whilst trying to debug some code that uses RegEx, I've found that once you have examined if a match was found, it reset the state. In the example below a match is always found with the values I send and the log displays "A" but never displays "B, C or D" and so with the last statement I always return an empty string. This is the case in Debug mode AND in release mode.
I only found it by chance because I was adding additional log statements in to record what each group had found and I ended up breaking my code. With a little fault finding I worked out that the m.find state is everting to false after the first call.
I only found it by chance because I was adding additional log statements in to record what each group had found and I ended up breaking my code. With a little fault finding I worked out that the m.find state is everting to false after the first call.
Public Sub Extract( strPattern As String, strText As String, blnCaseSensitive As Boolean, intExtractGroup As Int) As String
Dim m As Matcher
If blnCaseSensitive Then
m = Regex.Matcher(strPattern, strText)
m = Regex.Matcher2(strPattern, Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, strText)
End If
If m.Find = True Then Log("A")
If m.Find = True Then Log("B")
If m.Find = True Then Log("C")
If m.Find = True Then Log("D")
If m.Find = True Then Return m.Group(intExtractGroup)
' Return an empty string if pattern not found
Return ""
End Sub