B4R Question WiFi library and WiFi.StartAccessPoint.

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
I'll make this nice and short.

WiFi.StartAccessPoint starts an access point, but there's no method to stop/disable an access point once started, if possible please add a method to do so.

It's easy enough to stop by writing a variable into EEProm and then soft restarting the ESP8266, True runs WiFi.StartAccessPoint, False does not.

Thank you...
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you @Erel for that link, it worked perfect.

Actually I must also apologise for not checking the internet first for the answer and just using inline C. The answer you gave is all over the internet with people asking basically the same question, so sorry about that.

BTW the following line also works, both solutions appear to do exactly what i was looking to do.

#if C
void StopAP(B4R::Object* o) {
}#end if

Thank you, again......
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