This library wraps the android AsyncTask class.
Here's the documentation for my b4a implementation of AsyncTask:
Author: Martin Pearman
Version: 1
For anyone that's interested, here's the source code for the library's only class:
I implement AsyncTask as AsyncTaskImpl and then wrap instances of AsyncTaskImpl in the library.
AsyncTaskImpl simply relays the android callbacks to b4a by raising it's various events.
I've put together a basic usage example, here i created a class named MyAsyncTask:
Then in my activity:
I click start and my class starts counting from zero to 99000000.
A label displays the current percentage counted from zero to 99000000.
I can let the task complete or i can cancel it.
Upon completion or cancellation another label shows how far the task counted to.
Let the task complete and the log will show something like:
Cancel the task and you'll see:
Adding callback subs for the library's events is optional except for DoInBackground - you must implement a callback for this event.
I'll put together another (more useful) example and post that shortly.
Library files and b4a example project are attached.
Check out my new ThreadExtras to get the AsyncTask library.
AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread.
This class allows you to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.
An asynchronous task is defined by a computation that runs on a background thread and whose result is published on the UI thread.
An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types, called Params, Progress and Result, and 4 steps, called PreExecute, DoInBackground, ProgressUpdate and PostExecute.
Here's the documentation for my b4a implementation of AsyncTask:
Author: Martin Pearman
Version: 1
- AsyncTask
Events:- Cancelled (Result As Object)
- DoInBackground (Params() As Object) As Object
- PostExecute (Result As Object)
- PreExecute
- ProgressUpdate (Progress() As Object)
Indicates that event 'PostExecute' has been raised and has completed execution. - STATUS_PENDING As Status
Indicates that the task has not been executed yet. - STATUS_RUNNING As Status
Indicates that the task is running.
- Cancel (MayInterruptIfRunning As Boolean) As Boolean
Attempts to cancel execution of this task.
This attempt will fail if the task has already completed, already been cancelled, or could not be cancelled for some other reason.
If successful, and this task has not started when cancel is called, this task should never run.
If the task has already started, then the MayInterruptIfRunning parameter determines whether the thread executing this task should be interrupted in an attempt to stop the task.
Calling this method will result in the 'Cancelled' event being raised once your 'DoInBackground' callback has completed.
Your 'DoInBackground' callback can call the IsCancelled method to determine if the task has been cancelled whilst in progress.
Calling this method ensures that the 'PostExecute' event is never raised.
Cancel returns True if the task was cancelled, otherwise False. - Execute (Params() As Object)
Executes the task with the specified parameters. - Get As Object
Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result. - Get2 (TimeoutMillis As Long) As Object
Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result. - GetStatus As Status
Returns the current status of this task. - Initialize (EventName As String)
Initialize the AsyncTask.
A MissingCallbackException will be raised if no callback sub is found for the 'DoInBackground' event. - IsCancelled As Boolean
Returns True if the task was cancelled before it completed normally. - IsInitialized As Boolean
- PublishProgress (Progress() As Object)
This method can be invoked from the 'DoInBackground' callback to publish updates on the UI thread while the background computation is still running.
The 'ProgressUpdate' callback will be called on the UI thread and passed the Progress array.
For anyone that's interested, here's the source code for the library's only class:
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA;
"Cancelled(Result As Object)",
"DoInBackground(Params() As Object) As Object",
"PostExecute(Result As Object)",
"ProgressUpdate(Progress() As Object)"
public class AsyncTask extends AbsObjectWrapper<AsyncTask.AsyncTaskImpl> {
* Indicates that event 'PostExecute' has been raised and has completed execution.
public static final android.os.AsyncTask.Status STATUS_FINISHED=android.os.AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED;
* Indicates that the task has not been executed yet.
public static final android.os.AsyncTask.Status STATUS_PENDING=android.os.AsyncTask.Status.PENDING;
* Indicates that the task is running.
public static final android.os.AsyncTask.Status STATUS_RUNNING=android.os.AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING;
* Attempts to cancel execution of this task.
* This attempt will fail if the task has already completed, already been cancelled, or could not be cancelled for some other reason.
* If successful, and this task has not started when cancel is called, this task should never run.
* If the task has already started, then the MayInterruptIfRunning parameter determines whether the thread executing this task should be interrupted in an attempt to stop the task.
* Calling this method will result in the 'Cancelled' event being raised once your 'DoInBackground' callback has completed.
* Your 'DoInBackground' callback can call the IsCancelled method to determine if the task has been cancelled whilst in progress.
* Calling this method ensures that the 'PostExecute' event is never raised.
* Cancel returns True if the task was cancelled, otherwise False.
public boolean Cancel(boolean MayInterruptIfRunning){
return getObject().cancel(MayInterruptIfRunning);
* Executes the task with the specified parameters.
public void Execute(Object[] Params){
* Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.
public Object Get() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
return getObject().get();
* Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.
public Object Get2(long TimeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
return getObject().get(TimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Returns the current status of this task.
public android.os.AsyncTask.Status GetStatus(){
return getObject().getStatus();
* Initialize the AsyncTask.
* A MissingCallbackException will be raised if no callback sub is found for the 'DoInBackground' event.
public void Initialize(BA ba, String EventName) throws MissingCallbackException {
setObject(new AsyncTaskImpl(ba, EventName));
* Returns True if the task was cancelled before it completed normally.
public boolean IsCancelled(){
return getObject().isCancelled();
* This method can be invoked from the 'DoInBackground' callback to publish updates on the UI thread while the background computation is still running.
* The 'ProgressUpdate' callback will be called on the UI thread and passed the Progress array.
public void PublishProgress(Object[] Progress){
public static final class AsyncTaskImpl extends android.os.AsyncTask<Object, Object, Object>{
private static final String EVENT_NAME_CANCELLED="Cancelled";
private static final String EVENT_NAME_DO_IN_BACKGROUND="DoInBackground";
private static final String EVENT_NAME_POST_EXECUTE="PostExecute";
private static final String EVENT_NAME_PRE_EXECUTE="PreExecute";
private static final String EVENT_NAME_PROGRESS_UPDATE="ProgressUpdate";
private static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK="DoInBackground callback sub not found: ";
private final BA ba;
private final String eventNameCancelled;
private final String eventNameDoInBackground;
private final String eventNamePostExecute;
private final String eventNamePreExecute;
private final String eventNameProgressUpdate;
private final boolean subExistsCancelled;
private final boolean subExistsPostExecute;
private final boolean subExistsPreExecute;
private final boolean subExistsProgressUpdate;
public AsyncTaskImpl(BA ba, String EventName) throws MissingCallbackException {
eventNameCancelled=getEventName(EventName, EVENT_NAME_CANCELLED);
eventNameDoInBackground=getEventName(EventName, EVENT_NAME_DO_IN_BACKGROUND);
eventNamePostExecute=getEventName(EventName, EVENT_NAME_POST_EXECUTE);
eventNamePreExecute=getEventName(EventName, EVENT_NAME_PRE_EXECUTE);
eventNameProgressUpdate=getEventName(EventName, EVENT_NAME_PROGRESS_UPDATE);
throw new MissingCallbackException(new StringBuilder(EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK).append(eventNameDoInBackground).toString());
private String getEventName(String baseEventName, String event){
return new StringBuilder(baseEventName).append('_').append(event).toString().toLowerCase(BA.cul);
protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) {
return ba.raiseEvent(AsyncTaskImpl.this, eventNameDoInBackground, new Object[]{params});
/* @Override
protected void onCancelled() {}*/
protected void onCancelled(Object result) {
if(subExistsCancelled) {
ba.raiseEvent(AsyncTaskImpl.this, eventNameCancelled, new Object[]{result});
protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
if(subExistsPostExecute) {
ba.raiseEvent(AsyncTaskImpl.this, eventNamePostExecute, new Object[]{result});
protected void onPreExecute() {
ba.raiseEvent(AsyncTaskImpl.this, eventNamePreExecute, new Object[0]);
protected void onProgressUpdate(Object... progress) {
if(subExistsProgressUpdate) {
ba.raiseEvent(AsyncTaskImpl.this, eventNameProgressUpdate, new Object[]{progress});
public void publishProgress2(Object[] values){
public static final class MissingCallbackException extends Exception{
public MissingCallbackException(String message){
I implement AsyncTask as AsyncTaskImpl and then wrap instances of AsyncTaskImpl in the library.
AsyncTaskImpl simply relays the android callbacks to b4a by raising it's various events.
I've put together a basic usage example, here i created a class named MyAsyncTask:
#Event: TaskCancelled(ValueReached as Long)
#Event: TaskComplete(ValueReached as Long)
#Event: TaskProgress(PercentProgress as Int)
Sub Class_Globals
Private mAsyncTask As AsyncTask
Private mEventName As String
Private mParent As Object
End Sub
public Sub Cancel(MayInterruptIfRunning As Boolean)
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(Parent As Object, EventName As String)
End Sub
' execute the async task, start counting from zero up to the Target value
public Sub Execute(Target As Long, PublishProgress As Boolean)
mAsyncTask.Execute(Array As Object(Target, PublishProgress))
End Sub
private Sub mAsyncTask_Cancelled(Result As Object)
' this sub is called on the Main UI thread
' adding this callback sub is optional
Dim ValueReached As Long=Result
RaiseEvent("TaskCancelled", ValueReached)
End Sub
private Sub mAsyncTask_DoInBackground(Params() As Object) As Object
' this sub is called on a background thread
' any other methods called from this method will execute in the same background thread
' do not attempt to update the UI from this sub
' adding this callback sub is NOT optional
Dim PercentProgress As Int=0
Dim PublishProgress As Boolean=Params(1)
Dim Start As Long=0
Dim Stop As Long=Params(0)
Do While Start<Stop And Not(mAsyncTask.IsCancelled)
Dim NewPercentProgress As Int=(Start/Stop)*100
If PublishProgress And PercentProgress<>NewPercentProgress Then
' publish periodical progress
mAsyncTask.PublishProgress(Array As Object(PercentProgress))
End If
Dim Result As Object=Start
Return Result
End Sub
private Sub mAsyncTask_PostExecute(Result As Object)
' this sub is called on the Main UI thread
' adding this callback sub is optional
' the AsyncTask library is compatible with android API 13+
' if you are targetting older versions of the API then apply this (commented out) workaround before executing any further code in this sub:
' If mAsyncTask.IsCancelled Then
' mAsyncTask_Cancelled(Result)
' Return
' End If
Dim ValueReached As Long=Result
RaiseEvent("TaskComplete", ValueReached)
End Sub
private Sub mAsyncTask_PreExecute
' this sub is called on the Main UI thread
' adding this callback sub is optional
End Sub
private Sub mAsyncTask_ProgressUpdate(Progress() As Object)
' this sub is called on the Main UI thread
' adding this callback sub is optional
Dim PercentProgress As Int=Progress(0)
RaiseEvent("TaskProgress", PercentProgress)
End Sub
private Sub RaiseEvent(Event As String, Value As Object)
Dim EventName As String=mEventName&"_"&Event
If SubExists(mParent, EventName) Then
CallSub2(mParent, EventName, Value)
Log("Ignoring event "&EventName&" as no callback sub SubExists")
End If
End Sub
Then in my activity:
Sub Process_Globals
Private COUNT_TO_VALUE As Long=99000000
Private PUBLISH_PROGRESS As Boolean=True
Private MyAsyncTask1 As MyAsyncTask
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private LabelProgress As Label
Private LabelResult As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub ButtonCancel_Click
If MyAsyncTask1.IsInitialized Then
End If
End Sub
Sub ButtonStart_Click
If Not(MyAsyncTask1.IsInitialized) Then
MyAsyncTask1.Initialize(Me, "MyAsyncTask1")
End If
End Sub
Sub MyAsyncTask1_TaskCancelled(ValueReached As Long)
LabelResult.Text="The task was cancelled, a value of "&ValueReached&" was reached, target was "&COUNT_TO_VALUE
Dim MyAsyncTask1 As MyAsyncTask
End Sub
Sub MyAsyncTask1_TaskComplete(ValueReached As Long)
LabelResult.Text="The task completed, a value of "&ValueReached&" was reached, target was "&COUNT_TO_VALUE
Dim MyAsyncTask1 As MyAsyncTask
End Sub
Sub MyAsyncTask1_TaskProgress(PercentProgress As Int)
LabelProgress.Text = PercentProgress & "%"
End Sub
I click start and my class starts counting from zero to 99000000.
A label displays the current percentage counted from zero to 99000000.
I can let the task complete or i can cancel it.
Upon completion or cancellation another label shows how far the task counted to.
Let the task complete and the log will show something like:
mAsyncTask_ProgressUpdate (repeated 100 times)
Cancel the task and you'll see:
mAsyncTask_ProgressUpdate (repeated ? times)
Adding callback subs for the library's events is optional except for DoInBackground - you must implement a callback for this event.
I'll put together another (more useful) example and post that shortly.
Library files and b4a example project are attached.
Check out my new ThreadExtras to get the AsyncTask library.
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