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B4ADrawer - Sliding drawer class:



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SD Bluetooth Printer rel 0.12

DiscoveryNewPrinter (Print As NameAndMac, DeviceClass As Int)
When it raises the DiscoveryNewprinter event it also identifies the class of the found device.
You also find a list of constants that represent a specific type of device


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AppUpdating 2.0 rel 2.00
A partial rewrite of its predecessor AppUpdating dating back to 2014.

Please note that this new version is available on a thread of its own, so this announcement is for the first release of the new lib.
Note also that AU 2.00 is not 100% compatible with its predecessor (mainly relative to installation methods IntallApk and UpdateApk).

New key features:
- Android 8 compatible
- Extended info file
- Use of Wait For and Resumables
- Use of smart string literals


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Alexander Stolte

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[B4X] [XUI] AS MsgBox/Dialog

Version: 1.0

-Fully Customizable
-Top and Bottom bar can be hidden
-A Close Button can be visible
-Show an Icon (Left , Middle or Right to text)
-Set Title
-You can Create your own dialog if you hide the top and bottom bar
-LoadLayout from Layoutfile or with code
-Customize the Bottom Buttons
-asynchronous with wait for
-show the dialog with text (no layout required)

AS MsgBox B4A.jpg


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Firebase UI Auth v0.22
I can´t remember when i did changed the Liobrary. But i did a few months ago ; but i forgot to publish it seems :D

If i remember correctly the changes was needed because of changes in Google Api.
Additionally i put the needed Manifest-Entries into a Macro which can be used to adapt your app to use the Firebase UI Library.