I've tried to use the voice recognition from a service module, and it doesn't work. I movedt he code to an activity module and it works, so I think it has to be with the functions not working form a service; is that right?
I don't care about the google screen showing up (if it goes away after the recording), but can I call it directly from the service, without showing the activity? (I'm calling it from a widget)
Thank you!
I've tried to use the voice recognition from a service module, and it doesn't work. I movedt he code to an activity module and it works, so I think it has to be with the functions not working form a service; is that right?
I don't care about the google screen showing up (if it goes away after the recording), but can I call it directly from the service, without showing the activity? (I'm calling it from a widget)
Thank you!