Android Tutorial [B4X] Drawing with BitmapCreator

BitmapCreator (BC) continues to evolve. Version 4.5 update is a large update with several new drawing features.


At its core BC holds an array of bytes that represent an image.
It can quickly extract the raw data from existing bitmaps and it can quickly generate bitmaps from this data.
BC is mostly written in B4X and it is cross platform. It depends on XUI library.

We can directly access the raw data and modify it. As we work with the raw data directly we can do things that are not possible to do with Canvas. You can see all kinds of examples in BitmapCreatorEffects class.

BC is the graphic engine behind XUI2D game framework. There are all kinds of features in BC that were added specifically for the 2d games use case. They will not be discussed here.
BitmapCreator can be used in many other cases. It can be used as an alternative to Canvas / B4XCanvas and they can be both used together.

Simple example

'Depends on XUI / iXUI / jXUI and BitmapCreator / iBitmapCreator / jBitmapCreator libraries
'Similar code will work in all three platforms.
Sub Process_Globals
   Private xui As XUI
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim bc As BitmapCreator
   bc.Initialize(100%x, 100%y)
   bc.DrawCircle(100dip, 100dip, 50dip, xui.Color_Red, True, 10dip)
   bc.DrawLine(0, 0, bc.mWidth, bc.mHeight, 0xff0000ff, 5dip)
   'we can continue to use 'bc'
End Sub

New drawing methods

The following drawing methods were added in v4.5: DrawLine, DrawCircle, DrawRect, DrawRectRounded and DrawPath.
With the exception of DrawLine, the shapes can be either filled or not filled. All methods include a StrokeWidth parameter that affects the contour width of non-filled drawings.
All drawings are antialiased. This is very important and was challenging to implement efficiently.
The drawings are optimized and are quite fast.

There are three variants for each method:
DrawCircle (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
DrawCircle2 (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
AsyncDrawCircle (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int) As DrawTask

Drawings are done with brushes (BCBrush). There are three ways to create brushes:

DrawCircle creates the brush for you and calls DrawCircle2:
Public Sub DrawCircle (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int) As BCBrush
   Return DrawCircle2(X, Y, Radius, CreateBrushFromColor(Color), Filled, StrokeWidth)      
End Sub

Example with one brush created from a bitmap and another one from a BC:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim bc As BitmapCreator
   bc.Initialize(100%x, 100%y)
   Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "logo.png", 32dip, 32dip, True)
   Dim brush As BCBrush = bc.CreateBrushFromBitmap(bmp)
   bc.DrawCircle2(200dip, 200dip, 150dip, brush, True, 10dip)
   Dim bc2 As BitmapCreator
   bc2.Initialize(20dip, bc.mHeight)
   bc2.FillGradient(Array As Int(xui.Color_Red, xui.Color_Yellow), bc2.TargetRect, "TOP_BOTTOM")
   bc.DrawLine2(10dip, 10dip, bc.mWidth - 10dip, bc.mHeight - 10dip, bc.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(bc2), 30dip)
End Sub


Brushes can and should be reused. If you are making many drawings with the same color then create the brush yourself and use it instead of implicitly creating a new brush each call.

The third 'async' method is used for making drawings with a background thread. It will be discussed in a different tutorial.


There are several configurable settings.
You can change the offset. For example:
Dim Brush2 As BCBrush = bc.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(bc2)
Brush2.SrcOffsetY = bc.TargetRect.CenterY
bc.DrawLine2(10dip, 10dip, bc.mWidth - 10dip, bc.mHeight - 10dip, Brush2 , 30dip)


Brush.SrcOffsetX / SrcOffsetY define the brush zero position.

We can easily make nice animations by modifying the offsets (animation looks better than in this gif):

Sub Process_Globals
   Private xui As XUI
End Sub

Sub Globals
   Private ImageView1 As B4XView 'using ImageView this time to make it cross platform.
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim bc As BitmapCreator
   bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height)
   Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "logo.png", 32dip, 32dip, True)
   Dim brush As BCBrush = bc.CreateBrushFromBitmap(bmp)
   Dim bc2 As BitmapCreator
   bc2.Initialize(20dip, bc.mHeight)
   bc2.FillGradient(Array As Int(xui.Color_Red, xui.Color_Yellow), bc2.TargetRect, "TOP_BOTTOM")
   Dim Brush2 As BCBrush = bc.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(bc2)
   Do While True
       brush.SrcOffsetX = brush.SrcOffsetX + 1dip
       brush.SrcOffsetY = brush.SrcOffsetY + 1dip
       Brush2.SrcOffsetY = Brush2.SrcOffsetY + 1dip
       bc.DrawRect(bc.TargetRect, xui.Color_Transparent, True, 0)
       bc.DrawLine2(10dip, 10dip, bc.mWidth - 10dip, bc.mHeight - 10dip, Brush2 , 30dip)
       bc.DrawCircle2(200dip, 200dip, 150dip, brush, True, 10dip)
       bc.SetBitmapToImageView(bc.Bitmap, ImageView1) '<---- this is the best way to set a BC Bitmap to an ImageView. It sets the Gravity to FILL (unlike B4XView.SetBitmap).
End Sub

There are two additional parameters that we can change:
BCBrush.BlendBorders (default = true) - Whether the antialiased borders should be blend with the background.
BCBrush.BlendAll (default = false) - Whether the interior drawings should be blend with the background.
This is relevant when the brush is not fully opaque. For example the above code with:
brush.BlendAll = True


Two notes:

- BlendAll = False (the default) is significantly faster.
- If you want to draw with a semi-transparent color brush then you need to do two things:
BCBrush.IsSolidColor = False 'IsSolidColor is used internally for optimizations.
BCBrush.BlendAll = True


There are three types of paths so it can be confusing: Path (native Canvas), B4XPath (B4XCanvas) and BCPath. As you can guess BitmapCreator works with BCPath.
A path defines a list of points.
You can either draw lines between these points or fill the polygon shape.
The shape is closed automatically if needed.

Dim Rhombus As BCPath
Rhombus.Initialize(0, bc.mHeight / 2).LineTo(bc.mWidth / 2, 0)
Rhombus.LineTo(bc.mWidth, bc.mHeight / 2).LineTo(bc.mWidth / 2, bc.mHeight)
bc.DrawPath2(Rhombus, brush, True, 0)


bc.DrawPath2(Rhombus, brush, False, 10dip)
This time the shape is not closed automatically:


It is not obvious in the above image but by default the connection segments between each two lines are also drawn. It can be disabled with:
Path.DrawConnectionSegments = False

You can access the points list directly and remove or add points from another path. You should however call Path.Invalidate after those changes.

To dip or not to dip

Both options are possible. Both options will work in all three platforms though they only make a difference in B4A.
In the above examples the BC size is the same as the activity size or the ImageView size. This means that the BC scale is the same as the device scale and we need to use 'dip' units.
I actually recommend to create normalized BCs as the default and to avoid using 'dip' units. In most cases it will look good enough, the memory footprint will be smaller and performance will be better.

Two things should be done to work with normalized BCs:
'divide the width and height with xui.scale:
bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width / xui.Scale, ImageView1.Height / xui.Scale)
2. Don't use 'dip' or %x / %y
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim bc As BitmapCreator
   bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width / xui.Scale, ImageView1.Height / xui.Scale)
   Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "logo.png", 32, 32, True)
   Dim brush As BCBrush = bc.CreateBrushFromBitmap(bmp)
   bc.DrawCircle2(200, 200, 150, brush, True, 10)
   Dim bc2 As BitmapCreator
   bc2.Initialize(20, bc.mHeight)
   bc2.FillGradient(Array As Int(xui.Color_Red, xui.Color_Yellow), bc2.TargetRect, "TOP_BOTTOM")
   bc.DrawLine2(10, 10, bc.mWidth - 10, bc.mHeight - 10, bc.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(bc2), 30)
   bc.SetBitmapToImageView(bc.Bitmap, ImageView1)
End Sub

If you get compiler warnings about missing 'dip' units then you can disable them in the current module with:
#IgnoreWarnings: 6
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Licensed User
Longtime User
can we still create that imageview1 by code and size it as width/height 10%x and then use the code you used in your normalize example?

what's bad about using


would that create a bigger buffer when the scale is not 1 (compared to your width/xui.scale method) ?


B4X founder
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Will BCPath also include methods like moveTo, arcTo etc. ?
I plan to add more features. I did make some tests with bezier curves and decided to release this update without them as it is already a large update.

You can use this code to create curves:
Dim Rhombus As BCPath
Rhombus.Initialize(10, bc.mHeight / 2).LineTo(bc.mWidth / 2, 10)
CurveTo(Rhombus, bc.mWidth, 0, bc.mWidth - 10, bc.mHeight / 2)
CurveTo(Rhombus, bc.mWidth, bc.mHeight, bc.mWidth / 2, bc.mHeight - 10)
Rhombus.LineTo(10, bc.mHeight / 2)
bc.DrawPath(Rhombus, xui.Color_Red, True, 10)

Public Sub CurveTo (Path1 As BCPath, ControlPointX As Float, ControlPointY As Float, TargetX As Float, TargetY As Float)
   Dim LastPoint As InternalBCPathPointData = Path1.Points.Get(Path1.Points.Size - 1)
   Dim CurrentX As Float = LastPoint.X
   Dim Currenty As Float = LastPoint.Y
   Dim NumberOfSteps As Int = 15 '<--- change as needed
   Dim dt As Float = 1 / NumberOfSteps
   Dim t As Float = dt
   For i = 1 To NumberOfSteps
       Dim tt1 As Float =  (1 - t) * (1 - t)
       Dim tt2 As Float = 2 * (1 - t) * t
       Dim tt3 As Float = t * t
       Dim x As Float = tt1 * CurrentX + tt2 * ControlPointX + tt3 * TargetX
       Dim y As Float = tt1 * Currenty + tt2 * ControlPointY + tt3 * TargetY
       Path1.LineTo(x, y)
       t = t + dt
End Sub


can we still create that imageview1 by code and size it as width/height 10%x and then use the code you used in your normalize example?
It doesn't matter how you create the views.
You always have two options:

1. High scale with dips:
bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width, ImageView.Height) 'always better to use the view's dimensions.
2. Normalized scale without dips:
bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width / xui.Scale, ImageView.Height / xui.Scale)


Licensed User
Longtime User
BCBrush.IsSolidColor = False 'IsSolidColor is used internally for optimizations.
BCBrush.BlendAll = Trure
Is Trure a new kind of Boolean?