Hi, i already did a post on UDP, where Erel suggest me to do a simper project (i copied the one in the guide) but i doensn't work
I send a packet when pressing a button, my server always respond with another packet saying "OK", the problem is that the sub "PacketArrived" fires only the first time, if i send another packet, it arrives to the server, it respond, but nothing fires in b4i...
this is the code:
Thanks in advance
I send a packet when pressing a button, my server always respond with another packet saying "OK", the problem is that the sub "PacketArrived" fires only the first time, if i send another packet, it arrives to the server, it respond, but nothing fires in b4i...
this is the code:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
Dim UDPSocket1 As UDPSocket
Private btnSend As Button
Private txt1 As TextField
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
'SetDebugAutoFlushLogs(True) 'Uncomment if program crashes before all logs are printed.
NavControl = Nav
Page1.Title = "Page 1"
UDPSocket1.Initialize("UDP", 0, 8000)
End Sub
Sub UDP_PacketArrived (Packet As UDPPacket)
Dim msg As String
msg = BytesToString(Packet.Data, Packet.Offset, Packet.Length, "UTF8")
Msgbox("Message received: " & msg, "")
End Sub
Sub btnSend_Click
Dim Packet As UDPPacket
Dim data() As Byte
data = txt1.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")
Packet.Initialize(data, "--.---.--.---", -----)
End Sub
Thanks in advance