my last windows computer i use to link jar file in windows link and it ran the program, i since got new computer and it will not do that now. i've tried to put a path to jave but still nothing, which java program to link the jar to run????? thanks.
#AdditionalJar: ucanaccess-5.0.0
#AdditionalJar: hsqldb-2.5.0
#AdditionalJar: jackcess-3.0.1
#AdditionalJar: jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0
#AdditionalJar: commons-logging-1.2
#AdditionalJar: commons-lang3-3.8.1
#AdditionalJar: bcprov-jdk15on-154.jar
#Additionaljar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2
I wonder if Java11.0.10 actually has the runtime included?
If I go "cmd" and type "java -jar locations.jar" the message is "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application"
Hi, send an example of your project, I will try.Well interesting I did download the OpenJDK11 and OpenJFX11 via you installation recommendations.
As well in the discussions in #107963 I was part of the discussion and with this help I was able to get my B4J program to
run in the 'debug' mode.
Everything mentioned in #107963 was followed as stated.
It was only when I wanted to make a standalone exe file that it didn't not work.
As mentioned earlier once I changed back to Java8 everything was fine.
I will further investigate as sometime I suspect I will need to get off Java8 as currently I think they are no on version15.
I don't understand anything from this.Well interesting I did download the OpenJDK11 and OpenJFX11 via you installation recommendations.
As well in the discussions in #107963 I was part of the discussion and with this help I was able to get my B4J program to
run in the 'debug' mode.
Everything mentioned in #107963 was followed as stated.
It was only when I wanted to make a standalone exe file that it didn't not work.
As mentioned earlier once I changed back to Java8 everything was fine.
I will further investigate as sometime I suspect I will need to get off Java8 as currently I think they are no on version15.