You can draw up to 25 different Gauges with basically the same B4J code. You need to download Medusa-8.0.jar and add it to your B4J additional library folder.
Sample Code:
Public Skin_DigitalSkin As String = "DigitalSkin"
Public Skin_Amp As String = "AmpSkin"
Public Skin_Bar As String = "BarSkin"
Public Skin_BulletChart As String = "BulletChartSkin"
Public Skin_Dashboard As String = "DashboardSkin"
Public Skin_H As String = "HSkin"
Public Skin_Battery As String = "BatterySkin"
Public Skin_Gauge As String = "GaugeSkin"
Public Skin_Indicator As String = "IndicatorSkin"
Public Skin_Kpi As String = "KpiSkin"
Public Skin_Level As String = "LevelSkin"
Public Skin_Linear As String = "LinearSkin"
Public Skin_Modern As String = "ModernSkin"
Public Skin_Quarter As String = "QuarterSkin"
Public Skin_Section As String = "SectionSkin"
Public Skin_SimpleDigital As String = "SimpleDigitalSkin"
Public Skin_SimpleSection As String = "SimpleSectionSkin"
Public Skin_Simple As String = "SimpleSkin"
Public Skin_Slim As String = "SlimSkin"
Public Skin_SpaceX As String = "SpaceXSkin"
Public Skin_TileKpi As String = "TileKpiSkin"
Public Skin_TileSparkine As String = "TileSparklineSkin"
Public Skin_TileTextKpi As String = "TileTextKpiSkin"
Public Skin_Tiny As String = "TinySkin"
Public Skin_V As String = "VSkin"
Sample Code:
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
#AdditionalJar: Medusa-8.0
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private xui As XUI
Dim mg1, mg2, mg3, mg4, mg5, mg6, mg7, mg8 As myGauge 'a reference to class "myGauge"
Dim mgJVO1, mgJVO2, mgJVO3, mgJVO4, mgJVO5, mgJVO6, mgJVO7, mgJVO8 As JavaObject 'the class "myGauge" will return an Object and we will then add it to a Pane
Private Pane1, Pane2, Pane3, Pane4, Pane5, Pane6, Pane7, Pane8 As Pane
Dim t1 As Timer
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
MainForm.Initialize("frm", fx.PrimaryScreen.MaxX - fx.PrimaryScreen.MinX, fx.PrimaryScreen.MaxY - fx.PrimaryScreen.MinY)
MainForm.WindowWidth = fx.PrimaryScreen.MaxX - fx.PrimaryScreen.MinX 'set the screen to full width/height
MainForm.WindowLeft = fx.PrimaryScreen.MinX
MainForm.WindowHeight = fx.PrimaryScreen.MaxY - fx.PrimaryScreen.MinY
MainForm.WindowTop = fx.PrimaryScreen.MinY
t1.Initialize("t1", 1000)
t1.Enabled = True
mg1.Initialize(Me, "mg1")
mg1.Animanted = True
mg1.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg1.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg1.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg1.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg1.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg1.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
Dim gval As Double = 40.0
mg1.GaugeValue = gval
mg1.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg1.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg1.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg1.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg1.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg1.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg1.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg1.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg1.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg1.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg1.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg1.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg1.TickLabelOrientation = mg1.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg1.GaugeSkin = mg1.Skin_V
mgJVO1 = mg1.drawGauge
Pane1.AddNode(mgJVO1,Pane1.Width*0.15,Pane1.Height*0.15,Pane1.Width*0.7,Pane1.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg2.Initialize(Me, "mg2")
mg2.Animanted = True
mg2.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg2.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg2.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg2.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg2.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg2.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg2.GaugeValue = gval
mg2.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg2.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg2.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg2.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg2.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg2.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg2.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg2.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg2.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg2.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg2.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg2.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg2.TickLabelOrientation = mg2.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg2.GaugeSkin = mg2.Skin_Modern
mgJVO2 = mg2.drawGauge
Pane2.AddNode(mgJVO2,Pane2.Width*0.15,Pane2.Height*0.15,Pane2.Width*0.7,Pane2.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg3.Initialize(Me, "mg3")
mg3.Animanted = True
mg3.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg3.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg3.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg3.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg3.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg3.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg3.GaugeValue = gval
mg3.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg3.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg3.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg3.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg3.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg3.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg3.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg3.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg3.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg3.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg3.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg3.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg3.TickLabelOrientation = mg3.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg3.GaugeSkin = mg3.Skin_Quarter
mgJVO3 = mg3.drawGauge
Pane3.AddNode(mgJVO3,Pane3.Width*0.15,Pane3.Height*0.15,Pane3.Width*0.7,Pane3.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg4.Initialize(Me, "mg4")
mg4.Animanted = True
mg4.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg4.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg4.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg4.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg4.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg4.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg4.GaugeValue = gval
mg4.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg4.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg4.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg4.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg4.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg4.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg4.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg4.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg4.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg4.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg4.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg4.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg4.TickLabelOrientation = mg4.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg4.GaugeSkin = mg4.Skin_DigitalSkin
mgJVO4 = mg4.drawGauge
Pane4.AddNode(mgJVO4,Pane4.Width*0.15,Pane4.Height*0.15,Pane4.Width*0.7,Pane4.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg5.Initialize(Me, "mg5")
mg5.Animanted = True
mg5.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg5.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg5.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg5.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg5.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg5.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg5.GaugeValue = gval
mg5.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg5.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg5.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg5.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg5.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg5.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg5.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg5.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg5.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg5.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg5.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg5.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg5.TickLabelOrientation = mg5.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg5.GaugeSkin = mg5.Skin_TileKpi
mgJVO5 = mg5.drawGauge
Pane5.AddNode(mgJVO5,Pane5.Width*0.15,Pane5.Height*0.15,Pane5.Width*0.7,Pane5.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg6.Initialize(Me, "mg6")
mg6.Animanted = True
mg6.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg6.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg6.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg6.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg6.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg6.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg6.GaugeValue = gval
mg6.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg6.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg6.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg6.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg6.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg6.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg6.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg6.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg6.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg6.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg6.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg6.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg6.TickLabelOrientation = mg6.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg6.GaugeSkin = mg6.Skin_TileSparkine
mgJVO6 = mg6.drawGauge
Pane6.AddNode(mgJVO6,Pane6.Width*0.15,Pane6.Height*0.15,Pane6.Width*0.7,Pane6.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg7.Initialize(Me, "mg7")
mg7.Animanted = True
mg7.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg7.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg7.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg7.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg7.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg7.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg7.GaugeValue = gval
mg7.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg7.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg7.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg7.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg7.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg7.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg7.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg7.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg7.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg7.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg7.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg7.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg7.TickLabelOrientation = mg7.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg7.GaugeSkin = mg7.Skin_Gauge
mgJVO7 = mg7.drawGauge
Pane7.AddNode(mgJVO7,Pane7.Width*0.15,Pane7.Height*0.15,Pane7.Width*0.7,Pane7.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
mg8.Initialize(Me, "mg8")
mg8.Animanted = True
mg8.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg8.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg8.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg8.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg8.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg8.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
gval = 40.0
mg8.GaugeValue = gval
mg8.GaugeValueColor = fx.Colors.Blue
mg8.GaugeBarColor = fx.Colors.Green
mg8.GaugeNeedleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg8.GaugeThresholdColor = fx.Colors.Yellow
mg8.GaugeMinValue = 0.0
mg8.GaugeMaxValue = 100.0
mg8.GaugeThresholdValue = 70
mg8.GaugeSubTitle = "Johan"
mg8.GaugeSubTitleColor = fx.Colors.Black
mg8.GaugeThresholdVisible = True
mg8.GaugeTickLabelColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg8.GaugeTickMarkColor = fx.Colors.Cyan
mg8.TickLabelOrientation = mg8.TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL
'SELECT THE GAUGE TYPE HERE *******************************************************
mg8.GaugeSkin = mg8.Skin_BulletChart
mgJVO8 = mg8.drawGauge
Pane8.AddNode(mgJVO8,Pane8.Width*0.15,Pane8.Height*0.15,Pane8.Width*0.7,Pane8.Height*0.7) 'add the Gauge (java object) to the pane at the specified position within the Pane
End Sub
Sub t1_tick
Dim myval As Double = Rnd(0,101)
mg1.GaugeValue = myval
mg2.GaugeValue = myval
mg3.GaugeValue = myval
mg4.GaugeValue = myval
mg5.GaugeValue = myval
mg6.GaugeValue = myval
mg7.GaugeValue = myval
mg8.GaugeValue = myval
End Sub
Sub Class_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Dim nativeMe, mg As JavaObject 'mg holds the Gauge object
Private mEventName As String
Private mCallbackModule As Object
Public TickLabelOrientation_ORTHOGONAL As String = "ORTHOGONAL"
Public TickLabelOrientation_HORIZONTAL As String = "HORIZONTAL"
Public TickLabelOrientation_TANGENT As String = "TANGENT"
Public Skin_DigitalSkin As String = "DigitalSkin"
Public Skin_Amp As String = "AmpSkin"
Public Skin_Bar As String = "BarSkin"
Public Skin_BulletChart As String = "BulletChartSkin"
Public Skin_Dashboard As String = "DashboardSkin"
Public Skin_H As String = "HSkin"
Public Skin_Battery As String = "BatterySkin"
Public Skin_Gauge As String = "GaugeSkin"
Public Skin_Indicator As String = "IndicatorSkin"
Public Skin_Kpi As String = "KpiSkin"
Public Skin_Level As String = "LevelSkin"
Public Skin_Linear As String = "LinearSkin"
Public Skin_Modern As String = "ModernSkin"
Public Skin_Quarter As String = "QuarterSkin"
Public Skin_Section As String = "SectionSkin"
Public Skin_SimpleDigital As String = "SimpleDigitalSkin"
Public Skin_SimpleSection As String = "SimpleSectionSkin"
Public Skin_Simple As String = "SimpleSkin"
Public Skin_Slim As String = "SlimSkin"
Public Skin_SpaceX As String = "SpaceXSkin"
Public Skin_TileKpi As String = "TileKpiSkin"
Public Skin_TileSparkine As String = "TileSparklineSkin"
Public Skin_TileTextKpi As String = "TileTextKpiSkin"
Public Skin_Tiny As String = "TinySkin"
Public Skin_V As String = "VSkin"
End Sub
'Initializes the Gauge object
Public Sub Initialize(CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String)
nativeMe = Me 'initialize an instance of the Pie Chart object
mEventName = EventName
mCallbackModule = CallbackModule
nativeMe.RunMethod("initialize", Null)
End Sub
'Get the Gauge instance - you should add it to a pane
public Sub drawGauge() As JavaObject
mg = nativeMe.RunMethod("drawGauge", Null)
Return mg
End Sub
'set the Gauge animation to true or false
public Sub setAnimanted(animated As Boolean)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setAnimated", Array(animated))
End Sub
'set the Value to be displayed on the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeValue (value As Double)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeValue", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Value that is displayed on the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeValueColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeValueColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the Title of the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeTitle (value As String)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setTitle", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the Sub Title of the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeSubTitle (value As String)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeSubTitle", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's Sub Title
Public Sub setGaugeSubTitleColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeSubTitleColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the Title color of the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeTitleColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeTitleColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the Units of the Gauge eg Km/h
Public Sub setGaugeUnit (value As String)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeUnit", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's Units text
'type must be javafx.scene.paint.Color
Public Sub setGaugeUnitColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeUnitColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's Bar
'type must be javafx.scene.paint.Color
Public Sub setGaugeBarColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeBarColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's Needle
'type must be javafx.scene.paint.Color
Public Sub setGaugeNeedleColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeNeedleColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the number of decimals to display
Public Sub setGaugeDecimals (value As Int)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeDecimals", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the animation duration of the gauge (milliseconds)
Public Sub setGaugeAnimationDuration (value As Int)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeAnimationDuration", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's Threshold
'for some selected skins the color will become this color if it crosses the threshold value
Public Sub setGaugeThresholdColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeThresholdColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the maximum value of the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeMaxValue (value As Double)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeMaxValue", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the minimum value of the Gauge
Public Sub setGaugeMinValue (value As Double)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeMinValue", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the threshold value of the Gauge
public Sub setGaugeThresholdValue(value As Int)
End Sub
'set the threshold value of the Gauge
public Sub setGaugeThresholdVisible(value As Boolean)
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's tick labels
Public Sub setGaugeTickLabelColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeTickLabelColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the color of the Gauge's tick marks
Public Sub setGaugeTickMarkColor (value As JavaObject)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeTickMarkColor", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the tick label orientation
Public Sub setTickLabelOrientation (value As String)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setTickLabelOrientation", Array(value))
End Sub
'set the tick label orientation
Public Sub setGaugeSkin (value As String)
nativeMe.RunMethod("setGaugeSkin", Array(value))
End Sub
#if Java
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Gauge;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.skins.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TickLabelOrientation;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TickMarkType;
private BA ba;
private Gauge gauge;
public Gauge drawGauge() {
return gauge; //return the pie chart as an object - b4j code will add it to Pane 1
public void initialize() {
gauge = new Gauge();
public void setTitle(String title) {
public void setGaugeTitleColor (javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeUnit(String unit) {
public void setGaugeUnitColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeDecimals(int value) {
public void setGaugeAnimationDuration(int value) {
public void setGaugeBarColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeNeedleColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeThresholdColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeMaxValue(double value) {
public void setGaugeMinValue(double value) {
public void setGaugeThresholdValue(int value) {
public void setGaugeSubTitle(String value) {
public void setGaugeSubTitleColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeThresholdVisible(boolean value) {
public void setGaugeTickLabelColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeTickMarkColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setTickLabelOrientation(String value) {
if (value.equals("ORTHOGONAL"))
if (value.equals("HORIZONTAL")) {
if (value.equals("TANGENT")) {
public void setAnimated(boolean value) {
public void setGaugeValue (double value) {
gauge.setValue(value); //deafult position of needle on gauage
public void setGaugeValueColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color value) {
public void setGaugeSkin(String value) {
if (value.equals("DigitalSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new DigitalSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("AmpSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new AmpSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("BarSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new BarSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("BulletChartSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new BulletChartSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("DashboardSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new DashboardSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("HSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new HSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("BatterySkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new BatterySkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("GaugeSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new GaugeSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("IndicatorSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new IndicatorSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("KpiSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new KpiSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("LevelSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new LevelSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("LinearSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new LinearSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("ModernSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new ModernSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("QuarterSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new QuarterSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SectionSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SectionSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SimpleDigitalSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SimpleDigitalSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SimpleSectionSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SimpleSectionSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SimpleSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SimpleSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SlimSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SlimSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("SpaceXSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new SpaceXSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("TileKpiSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new TileKpiSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("TileSparklineSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new TileSparklineSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("TileTextKpiSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new TileTextKpiSkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("TinySkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new TinySkin(gauge));
if (value.equals("VSkin"))
gauge.setSkin(new VSkin(gauge));
#End If