B4J Question Very large app -> slowdowns in code editor


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The app I'm working on has been under development for two years, and it's currently massive, with more than 100,000 lines of code distributed in 150+ code modules.
For some time now I've been experiencing annoying slowdowns when coding in B4J and long lags in the smart error detection and the intellisense thing. I suppose it's due to the great size of the code. But I was wondering if there's anything I can do to reduce the lags and slowdowns.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.


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It does work, but has no effect on memory consumption and speed, which is no surprise as the library code is still present and active.
There is some performance advantage for b4xlibs. The IDE doesn't treat the code as user accessible code.

Once we change to 64 bit, all further versions will be 64 bit. The previous 32 bit version will be kept online.
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The previous 32 bit version will be kept online.
Sigh! I'll give up the fight for understanding here. By 'previous' I assume you mean 'final'

1.Occurring before, earlier
2.Already arranged, prior
4.Premature, over-hasty (facetious)
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בשלב מסוים נעבור לגירסאות של 64 ביט בלבד. הגירסא האחרונה של 32 ביט, מלפני השינוי, תיוותר זמינה להורדה.

At some point we will change to 64 bit versions only. The final 32 bit version, before the change, will remain available for download.
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‎at some point we'll move on to 64-bit versions only. the latest version of 32 bits, prior to the change, will remain available for download.‎
For fun I just translated Erel's Hebrew in Edge - and it reintroduced the ambiguity. ? Aren't the subtleties of language amazingly frustrating to us pedants.
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Oh, no... Now I'll have no more excuses for not formatting my old MS XP box to its original mediacenter role or at least a tiny Linux PC.
I used to run an old copy of B4J on it along an early version of ABMaterial code... :)
Well, at least it shouldn't happen for next Xmas so I can keep it on the to-do list for some time more..hehehe

Aren't the subtleties of language amazingly frustrating to us pedants.
A rigorous language: Math

Everyday natural language is full of ambiguity or wrong usage of well-defined concepts.
I often hear something like "they turned their opinion 360 degrees"
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William Lancee

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Off topic.

Everyday natural language is full of ambiguity or wrong usage of well-defined concepts.
I often hear something like "they turned their opinion 360 degrees"

I have heard someone say "He made a full and total 90 degree change in his life.

But then, as we all know, "communication is a three-way street"
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see a slowdown exactly every 10 minutes.
Is that 10 exact minutes? Taking into account a 32-bit vs. a 64-bit slowdown every exact 10 minutes earth's wobble and rotational differences.....
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The IDE will soon be a 64 bit process.
Shall we just rest with the GREAT news in the thread - which is the above statement.

GREAT news @Erel - I queried about this earlier - and - at the time you were non-commital - no ambiguity intended ?.
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