B4J Question [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Compile to library as jar or compress as b4xlib?

BANano libraries generaly have something like this in their AppStart:

' start the build
#if release
#end if

This allows BANanoLibrary builders to test it (in debug mode) and to make the final .b4xlib (in release mode).

So if you run it in release mode, BANano will make the .b4xlib for you, and put it in your Additional Libraries folder. The generated .jar file in the /Objects folder can be ignored.



Licensed User
Longtime User
copying the same precompiled b4xlib from github would not work
I am not sure what error was reported. I use the precompiled BANanoVuetifyAD3.b4xlib from github. I created a project using BVAD.b4xtemplate and eventually the website is created and open successfully from Google Chrome hosted in Laragon.
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\Aeric\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: D:\B4X\Additional
Starting to transpile...
Merging CSS files ignored. Only applicable for Build in Release mode.
Merging Javascript files ignored. Only applicable for Build in Release mode.

Building D:\laragon\www\mybvad2webapp\scripts\app.js
Loading layout baselayout...
Loading layout home...
Loading layout leafview...
Loading layout view1...
Loading layout view2...
Processing b4xlib: bananovuetifyad3
java.io.FileNotFoundException: D:\DEVELO~1\B4J\9BANAN~1\BVAD3\B4J\Objects\b4xlibs_BANano\bananovuetifyad3\B4J\manifest.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)
at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:219)
at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:157)
at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:112)
at java.base/java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:60)
at com.ab.banano.BANano.ProcessB4XLib(Unknown Source)
at com.ab.banano.BANano.a(Unknown Source)
at com.ab.banano.BANano.a(Unknown Source)
at com.ab.banano.BANano.Build(Unknown Source)
at b4j.example.main._appstart(main.java:171)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.runMethod(Shell.java:629)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEventImpl(Shell.java:234)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEvent(Shell.java:167)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(BA.java:109)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(ShellBA.java:98)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent(BA.java:96)
at b4j.example.main.start(main.java:38)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication1$9(LauncherImpl.java:846)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runAndWait$12(PlatformImpl.java:455)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$10(PlatformImpl.java:428)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$11(PlatformImpl.java:427)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:96)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication._runLoop(Native Method)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication.lambda$runLoop$3(WinApplication.java:174)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead

Adding Layout baselayout used by pgindex
Adding Layout home used by viewhome
Adding Layout leafview used by viewleaflet
Adding Layout view1 used by viewone
Adding Layout view2 used by viewtwo
Copying CSS files to WebApp assets...
Copying Javascript files to WebApp assets...
Building D:\laragon\www\mybvad2webapp\index.html
B4J logs complain about the missing manifest.txt and I found that this error also happened in BANano demo projects such as BANanoSkeleton. So I think the issue comes from BANano.jar library.
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
I thought everyone will compile into the same library
It seems there is a slight different in file size. The .bak file is compiled in my local machine.

Upvote 0

Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm having the same problem with manifest.txt.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\B4X\B4J\BANANO~1\STAR-D~1\php\B4J\Objects\b4xlibs_BANano\bananovuetifyad3\B4J\manifest.txt (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada)

I have been reviewing the structure of the folders and I have seen the folder where it is going to look for the manifest.txt file does not exist.

However, a folder with practically the same path but without the final B4J does exist and the famous manifest.txt is in it.

Is it a problem with something in our configuration when compiling, or is it a problem with the library itself?

This is the folder that actually exists and where the manifest.txt file is.


And this is the folder where it is looking for it:


I have also experienced small differences in the size of the b4xlib file.
Both between the downloaded file and the compiled one, as I think I could say, I have also detected differences between different compilations made by myself. Could it be that depending on the speed of the equipment or some other external reason some file is lost during the compilation?
Upvote 0

Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
¡Esa puede ser una buena pista! Mi sistema está configurado sin la subcarpeta \B4J (por el momento solo uso B4J). Por lo tanto, puede haber una diferencia en cómo se lee la biblioteca (o cómo debe hacerse) que pueda manejar las dos configuraciones que me perdí. @Erel ¿Alguna idea?
¿Te refieres a la carpeta donde está instalado B4J?

Yo lo tengo asi:
C:\Archivos de programa (x86)\Anywhere Software\B4J
Upvote 0


I want to try Banano.
I follow the steps from Mashiane's course. I use Edge browser.But get this error and cann't link to localhost.
Maybe you can give me some help !
Thank you !

Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: D:\Android\additional libraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
Starting to transpile...
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\app1643164401879.js
Loading layout baselayout...
Loading layout home...
Processing b4xlib: bananovuetifyad3
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
Adding Layout baselayout used by pgindex
Adding Layout home used by viewhome
Merging CSS files...
CSS files are merged in the order you added them
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\materialdesignicons.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\roboto.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\info-box.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\flowy-vue.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\helpers.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue-form-wizard.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vjsf.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\loader-1.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\material-ui.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vuetify.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\prism.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\Chart.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\leaflet.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\tippygoogle.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\quill.snow.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue2-editor.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\print.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\animate.min.css
Merging Javascript files (not used in a Service Worker)...
-> JS files are merged in the order you added them.
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\alasql.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\papaparse.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuetify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-router.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dayjs.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\numeral.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-count-to.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\flowy-vue.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\prism.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-prism-component.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-css.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-html.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-clipboard.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lodash.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\markerclustererplus.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\gmap-vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-blur.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\sweetalert2.all.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\html2canvas.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\qrcode.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\axios.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-form-wizard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vjsf.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\fileSaver.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jszip.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\oxml.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xlsx.full.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\moment.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chart.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartjs-adapter-date-fns.bundle.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartkick.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\leaflet.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet-movingmarker.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\firesql.umd.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-tippy.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\collect.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\md5.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuewebcam.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\quill.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-editor.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\VueQrcodeReader.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\anime.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.find.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-beautiful-chat.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xstate.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dragula.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vkanbanboard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\print.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\aes.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-animate-css.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lottie.min.js
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\index.html

The total size of your local CSS and JS files is 11.7MB and another 3.7MB in other assets.
It is very important to only load the JS and CSS files from components that you actually use in your website/webapp!

If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions.

Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
I want to try Banano.
I follow the steps from Mashiane's course. I use Edge browser.But get this error and cann't link to localhost.
Maybe you can give me some help !
Thank you !

Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: D:\Android\additional libraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
Starting to transpile...
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\app1643164401879.js
Loading layout baselayout...
Loading layout home...
Processing b4xlib: bananovuetifyad3
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
Adding Layout baselayout used by pgindex
Adding Layout home used by viewhome
Merging CSS files...
CSS files are merged in the order you added them
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\materialdesignicons.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\roboto.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\info-box.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\flowy-vue.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\helpers.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue-form-wizard.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vjsf.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\loader-1.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\material-ui.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vuetify.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\prism.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\Chart.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\leaflet.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\tippygoogle.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\quill.snow.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue2-editor.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\print.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\animate.min.css
Merging Javascript files (not used in a Service Worker)...
-> JS files are merged in the order you added them.
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\alasql.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\papaparse.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuetify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-router.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dayjs.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\numeral.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-count-to.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\flowy-vue.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\prism.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-prism-component.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-css.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-html.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-clipboard.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lodash.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\markerclustererplus.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\gmap-vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-blur.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\sweetalert2.all.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\html2canvas.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\qrcode.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\axios.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-form-wizard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vjsf.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\fileSaver.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jszip.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\oxml.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xlsx.full.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\moment.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chart.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartjs-adapter-date-fns.bundle.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartkick.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\leaflet.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet-movingmarker.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\firesql.umd.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-tippy.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\collect.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\md5.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuewebcam.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\quill.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-editor.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\VueQrcodeReader.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\anime.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.find.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-beautiful-chat.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xstate.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dragula.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vkanbanboard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\print.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\aes.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-animate-css.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lottie.min.js
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\index.html

The total size of your local CSS and JS files is 11.7MB and another 3.7MB in other assets.
It is very important to only load the JS and CSS files from components that you actually use in your website/webapp!

If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions.
Please open a new thread.
Your project compiles successfully. I think you need to install a development server such as Laragon.
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