Hello, I would like to introduce you to my new auto-response library for social networks, compatible with whatsapp, telegram works in the background
A good part of the code was recovered from the NotificationListener library I made some modifications to adapt to my project and I'm making available to you the example and the ReplyAuto.rar library.
Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian and I'm in love with Basic4Android. no more conversations Let's go to the example.
Important minSdkVersion="14" AND android:targetSdkVersion="29"
A good part of the code was recovered from the NotificationListener library I made some modifications to adapt to my project and I'm making available to you the example and the ReplyAuto.rar library.
Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian and I'm in love with Basic4Android. no more conversations Let's go to the example.
Important minSdkVersion="14" AND android:targetSdkVersion="29"
<service android:name="b4a.jsaplication.com.br.ReplyAuto"
<action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" />
Sub ReplyAuto_NotificationPosted (SBN As StatusBarNotification)
'Log(SBN.Id) 'get Id Notification
'Log(SBN.PackageName) 'get PackageName Application posted Notification
'Log(SBN.Notification) 'get Notification object
'Log(SBN.Extras) 'get extras Notification
'Log(SBN.ContentIntent) 'get ContentIntent not used
'Log(SBN.Key) 'get Key
'LogColor(SBN.Title, Colors.Green)
'LogColor(SBN.Message, Colors.Green)
If SBN.PackageName == "com.whatsapp" Then
Dim whatsappkey As String = SBN.Key
Dim ww() As String = Regex.Split("\|", whatsappkey)
If ww(3) <> "null" Then
rp.reply(SBN.Notification, SBN.PackageName, "Reply HelloWorld WhatsApp")
Log("Reply Whatsapp Success")
End If
End If
If SBN.PackageName == "com.whatsapp.w4b" Then
Dim whatsappkey As String = SBN.Key
Dim ww() As String = Regex.Split("\|", whatsappkey)
If ww(3) <> "null" Then
rp.reply(SBN.Notification, SBN.PackageName, "Reply HelloWorld WhatsApp-Business")
Log("Reply Whatsapp Success")
End If
End If
If SBN.PackageName == "org.telegram.messenger.web" Then
Dim telegramkey As String = SBN.Key
Dim tt() As String = Regex.Split("\|", telegramkey)
If tt(2).Length <> "1" Then
rp.reply(SBN.Notification, SBN.PackageName, "Reply HelloWorld Telegram")
Log("Send Telegram Success")
End If
End If
If SBN.PackageName == "org.telegram.messenger" Then
Dim telegramkey As String = SBN.Key
Dim tt() As String = Regex.Split("\|", telegramkey)
If tt(2).Length <> "1" Then
rp.reply(SBN.Notification, SBN.PackageName, "Reply HelloWorld Telegram")
Log("Send Telegram Success")
End If
End If
End Sub