Yes, you are right. Sorry (just was wondering if it was a known bug)
But I believe I figured it out.
Have been using the B4J - Bal2Bil to convert files.
Made some modifications to allow Togglebuttons & Radiobuttons to be converted into ImageViews.
NOW seems to work file (as far as B4i goes) but when I tried to copy back a field to bal the error occurred.
Looking closer at the b4j Bal2Bil I realized that when converting a TB or RB to IV I needed different routine and could not use the standard
Standard IV to IV
Private Sub ConvertImageView(view As Map)
' Log("ConvertImageView")
Dim drawable As Map = view.Get("drawable")
If drawable.IsInitialized = False Then
End If
view.Put("ImageView", drawable.Get("file"))
Dim content As Map = CreateMap(119: 0, 17: 4, 51: 9)
view.Put("contentMode", content.Get(drawable.Get("gravity")))
End Sub
So I made this routine for the TB / RB convert
Private Sub Convert_ImageView(view As Map)
CurrentHeader.Put("JavaType", "B4IImageViewWrapper")
CurrentHeader.Put("DesignerType", "ImageView")
view.Put("csType", "Dbasic.Designer.MetaImageView")
End Sub
NOT sure it this is 100% correct but, B4i seems OK with the changes and I can now copy fields if I want to B4A