Displays and/or edits text or memo fields.
MemoEdit( [<cString>] , ;
[<nTop>] , ;
[<nLeft>] , ;
[<nBottom>] , ;
[<nRight>] , ;
[<lEditMode>] , ;
[<bcUserFunc>], ;
[<nLineLen>] , ;
[<nTabSize>] , ;
[<nBufferRow>], ;
[<nBufferCol>], ;
[<nWindowRow>], ;
[<nWindowCol>] ) --> cTextBuffer
<cString> contains a character string or the contents of a memo field.
<nTop> is an integer numeric value specifying the top screen row at which the edit window is displayed
<nLeft> is an integer numeric value specifying the left screen column for the edit window display. The default value is zero.
<nBottom> is an integer numeric value specifying the bottom row for the edit window display. The default value is MaxRow().
<nRight> is an integer numeric value specifying the right screen column for the edit window display. The default value is MaxCol().