Long story short, I'm toying with the idea of creating a retro computer emulator that has an 800x525 display.
I guess the easiest way to describe what I need is a way to byte-blast from an existing byte array into some kind of bitmap that has already been set up to render in 2, 4, or 16 colors. I had the idea of having an existing Windows Bitmap file wrapper (header + blank image area for 800x525), and blasting the bytes into the .bmp "file".
Even a way to write the 3 RGB bytes per color into a native B4A bitmap or image framebuffer would be nice.
Does LibGDX support some of the things I might need? Block copying byte arrays into an image/bitmap/canvas, etc.?
I guess the easiest way to describe what I need is a way to byte-blast from an existing byte array into some kind of bitmap that has already been set up to render in 2, 4, or 16 colors. I had the idea of having an existing Windows Bitmap file wrapper (header + blank image area for 800x525), and blasting the bytes into the .bmp "file".
Even a way to write the 3 RGB bytes per color into a native B4A bitmap or image framebuffer would be nice.
Does LibGDX support some of the things I might need? Block copying byte arrays into an image/bitmap/canvas, etc.?