B4X | Calendar | AS Scheduler - MonthView and DayView [Week] [Payware] [B4X] [XUI] | The AS Scheduler is a B4X library for displaying and interacting with appointments. |
The AS Scheduler is a B4X library for displaying and interacting with appointments. You want to try the views out? Then click here This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views. https://payhip.com/b/nrtw5 Thanks for your understanding. :) The...
B4A | Firebase | Facebook - Extends FirebaseAuth to support Facebook | This library together with FirebaseAuth allows users to sign in to your app with a Facebook or Google account. |
This library requires B4A v12.0+ This library together with FirebaseAuth allows users to sign in to your app with a Facebook or Google account. Start with configuring FirebaseAuth: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/firebaseauth-authenticate-your-users.67875/ Once it works you can...
B4J | Drawing | Graphics | This Library wraps the 2Dgraphic elements of JavaFX2 |
This Library wraps the 2Dgraphic elements of JavaFX2 which are: Shape, Arc, Circle, CubicCurve, Ellipse, Line, Path, Polygon, Polyline, QuadCurve, Rectangle, SVGPath, and Text. As well as LinearGradient and RadialGradient. You can add these in code, or use the SetObject Method to work with...
B4J | Print | Javax print wrapper for UI and non-UI apps. [B4j] | This is a wrap of the Javax print API. It is more complex to use than the Javafx print API but does have a few benefits such as being usable in non-UI apps and access to java Swing printable interface which makes it easy to print the content of swing nodes. |
This is a wrap of the Javax print API. It is more complex to use than the Javafx print API but does have a few benefits such as being usable in non-UI apps and access to java Swing printable interface which makes it easy to print the content of swing nodes. The main example app contains an...
B4X | GPS/location/maps | ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X] | ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X] |
Hi there, another simple app for learning purposes created... ShareYourSpot it is working at B4J and B4A... At B4J i haven't any USB GPS to get location (not including code how will do that, maybe using jserial and reading nmea strings) - so location giving with mouse click at GoogleMaps... but...
B4A | Maths | Solving a system of linear equations using Gaussian Elimination | Solving a system of linear equations using Gaussian Elimination |
Some will remember Tasks like this one from school: 2x + y = 7 x + 4y = 6 The following code will solve this, with 1..n unknown quantities, like x, y, z ... Sub gauss ' flowchart in ' https://www.bragitoff.com/2015/10/gaussian-elimination-lab-write-up-with-algorithm-and-flowchart/...
B4X | Table/Grid | B4XTable - Cross platform, sortable, searchable, customizable table [B4X] | B4XTable is a paged based table. The UI is made of a horizontal xCLV. The data is stored in an in-memory SQLite database. |
B4XTable is a paged based table. The UI is made of a horizontal xCLV. The data is stored in an in-memory SQLite database. How to use? 1. Add a B4XTable with the designer. 2. Add the columns: B4XTable1.AddColumn("US County", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS) B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name"...
B4J | Print | Printer Example - Print text with the jFX8 Printer library | This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects. |
This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects. By parsing the text and measuring and creating text classes per line as required by wrapping it creates multiple pages and prints them to one print job. There are also options to break on...
B4X | WebSocket | Websockets Client Connect and Reconnect [B4X] | Websockets Client Connect and Reconnect [B4X] |
Based on Erel's MQTT ConnctAndReconnet Sub: - This sub will attenpt to maintain a constant websockets connection. Set working=True and call the sub ONCE in your program: Sub ws_ConnectAndReconnect ws.Initialize("ws") Do While working If ws.Connected Then ws.Close...
B4A | Bluetooth | OBD2 Bluetooth |
App uses OBD2 Bluetooth plug, it has ELM327 V2.1 IC that connects to all OBDII protocols. The app reads common PIDs, DTC (faults) and VID. To add PID you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs#Bitwise_encoded_PIDs Code based on bluetooth example. |
App uses OBD2 Bluetooth plug, it has ELM327 V2.1 IC that connects to all OBDII protocols. The app reads common PIDs, DTC (faults) and VID. To add PID you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs#Bitwise_encoded_PIDs Code based on bluetooth example. The USB diagnostic plug...
B4A | Database | SQLCipher and pragma cipher_memory_security | SQLCipher has this pragma that can speed up SQL quite a bit if memory security is turned off. Been using this for a few years now in a large database and never seen a problem with it. It can be useful when running multiple SQL's or running a single slow SQL. |
SQLCipher has this pragma that can speed up SQL quite a bit if memory security is turned off. Been using this for a few years now in a large database and never seen a problem with it. It can be useful when running multiple SQL's or running a single slow SQL. Attached a simple demo project that...
B4J | Images | OpenCV Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options | OpenCV Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options |
This is my third "Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options" snippet. The various versions are: Inline Java version, B4J only: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/image-to-jpeg-byte-array-with-resize-quality-options.91746/ XUI version, working across B4A, B4i, and B4J...
B4A | Translation/localisation | Ayfie Library - Free text translation, summary and keyword extraction service | Ayfie Library - Free text translation, summary and keyword extraction service |
This library allows you to summarize text, translate text and find names of institutions, people, etc. in a text, you can also integrate it yourself in your projects, the way to integrate it is explained on the official page of the api: portal.ayfie.com Remember to register to get your api key...
B4X | Date/time | AS DatePicker - fast navigate to a Month - Year - Decade - Century [B4X] [XUI] | AS DatePicker - fast navigate to a Month - Year - Decade - Century [B4X] [XUI] |
This is a simple DatePicker, with which you can quickly reach your target date. With a click on the header the view changes. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it...
B4X | EditText/Textview | AS TextFieldAdvanced - Title, Information, Counter, Password, Button [B4X] [XUI] | With this view you can quickly and easily add good looking text fields, with title and or bottom text. Additionally you can make the TextField a button, so that you can open menus, but still keep the design of the text fields. The view speeds up development because you don't have to worry about almost anything, it looks nice by default and is functional. |
With this view you can quickly and easily add good looking text fields, with title and or bottom text. Additionally you can make the TextField a button, so that you can open menus, but still keep the design of the text fields. The view speeds up development because you don't have to worry about...
B4X | Picker | AS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI] | AS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI] |
Hello, this is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView. WheelPicker/Spinner This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views. https://payhip.com/b/IvqnN Thanks for your understanding. :) V3.00-Preview B4I-Preview - looks nicer and smoother in...
B4J | Calendar | Celebration Book for Greek Orthodox, Movable Feast Days, Special Days... eortologio | I am gonna share with all you "celebration book" for all known Greek names (Giorgos, Giannis, Christos, blah blah)... well in Greece we have many Names that celebrates, so a good calendar must inform for all these days (sometimes are moving because of Easter), also there are some special days. Into zip there is an sqlite database has into all known dates-celebrations-special days, you can also add yours... or create a new by scratch for example. |
Hi there, I am gonna share with all you "celebration book" for all known Greek names (Giorgos, Giannis, Christos, blah blah)... well in Greece we have many Names that celebrates, so a good calendar must inform for all these days (sometimes are moving because of Easter), also there are some...
B4J | Game | MAGMA-KEY - Test your typing speed [game, source code included] [B4J] | MAGMA-KEY - Test your typing speed [game, source code included] [B4J] |
Hi there... I ve created a small game (~4hours) with B4J (seems that is extremely easy to do something like that) - i think it is easier than Visual Basic because b4j comes with all libraries you want... In this game you can test your typing speed - your eyes - your brain Every time pressing...
B4A | B4A | My contributions to the community | My contributions to the community |
My Creations with B4X IDEs Hybrid (Windows - Linux - Mac with Android & iOS support) DHQI AI Code - Integrade ChatGPT in B4X IDEs and all IDEs. Also Integrade it in word processors and E-mail programs DHQI Scanner Companion - Use your phone as a completely integraded scanner for your shop...
B4J | Example | MYDATA [aade.gr - gsis] my Digital Accounting and Tax Application SendInvoices | MYDATA [aade.gr - gsis] my Digital Accounting and Tax Application SendInvoices (Greece) |
MYDATA (aade.gr - gsis) my Digital Accounting and Tax Application SendInvoices Well the Greek Members already know what mean that for them (if had Invoice Apps, ERPs.. etc)... The other guys can read here what means and why exactly needed for their ERPs, CLOUD ERP softwares gonna sell to...
B4R | MQTT | ESP32CAM - Print Logs Workaround - b4xlib included | All of you that have bought the ESP32CAM you know that it does not print logs in B4R. So if you cannot go through a problem, just go around it. The around way is to post in MQTT server the logs and display them in B4J app. And it works. |
All of you that have bought the ESP32CAM you know that it does not print logs in B4R. So if you cannot go through a problem, just go around it. The around way is to post in MQTT server the logs and display them in B4J app. And it works. b4xlib usage: Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As...
B4J | Payment | PerfectMoney | PerfectMoney is an alternative method of payment on the Internet for services. |
Hello. PerfectMoney is an alternative method of payment on the Internet for services. For a client I had to write API support for PerfectMoney. He was only interested in 2 functions. 1. Retrieving wallet values of currencies on subaccounts, e.g. $,Euro, BTC etc. 2. Receiving eVoucher from...
B4A | File handling | External Storage Extras | Additional methods for the original ExternalStorage class |
Hi all, Now that ExternalStorage is the only way to access a shared file in an app that need to be released on Google Play Store, I mixed this: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/externalstorage-access-sd-cards-and-usb-sticks.90238/#content with this...
B4A | Firebase | FireStore StructuredQuery API REST | Code that allows you to make a query in a firestore database applying filters by fields |
HI everyone! I share with you this code that allows you to make a query in a firestore database applying filters by fields It is complemented with this publication by Paolo https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/firestore-api-rest-support.129551/ This is the link to the firestore...
B4J | Print | B4j Print JavaFX8 | Here is a B4j library written in B4j to access the full Printer modules provided with JavaFX8. Full source code is available. |
Here is a B4j library written in B4j to access the full Printer modules provided with JavaFX8. Full source code is available. At it's simplest, you can print a node using: Dim P As Printer = Printer_Static.GetDefaultPrinter Dim PJ As PrinterJob = PrinterJob_Static.CreatePrinterJob2(P)...
B4J | Strings | B4j TextFlow and Text class | This is a supporting library for my printer example post so there are no images here. It is a simple wrapper for the two javafx classes so you can use them independently of the printer example if you wish. |
This is a supporting library for my printer example post so there are no images here. It is a simple wrapper for the two javafx classes so you can use them independently of the printer example if you wish. For a fluent API to quickly add Richtext/Textflow to a layout see Erel's class here...
B4A | Bluetooth | OBD2 USB | App uses OBD2 to USB from Ebay, it has ELM327 V1.5 IC that connects to all OBDII protocols. The app reads common PIDs, DTC (faults) and VID. To add PID you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs#Bitwise_encoded_PIDs Code uses felUsbSerial lib. |
App uses OBD2 to USB from Ebay, it has ELM327 V1.5 IC that connects to all OBDII protocols. The app reads common PIDs, DTC (faults) and VID. To add PID you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs#Bitwise_encoded_PIDs Code uses felUsbSerial lib. The USB diagnostic plug with ELM327 v1.5...
B4A | Example | Solar Tracker Auto calibration | Extremely low-cost, highly efficient solar panel system. Android App to position your solar panel (Azimuth and Elevation). |
Hi, I have just finished my project on hackaday : Solar Tracker I publish all the code including the B4A App to allow an auto calibration of the Solar Tracker : (V3 version) here on my github This App works quite well although I do have some "freezing and overlapping text" when the App...
B4J | Translation/localisation | Adding some fun to your Apps with Funtranslations REST API | Adding some fun to your Apps with Funtranslations REST API |
Imagine... English to Yoda. English to Minion. English to Johhy Deeps' Pirate, or even English to Wakanda. https://funtranslations.com/ This is some awesome fun api. They have curl commands and free calls for the day... Have fun! Related content...
B4J | html | Finally: Convert cURL commands to JavaScript Fetch | Finally: Convert cURL commands to JavaScript Fetch |
Found it... https://www.scrapingbee.com/curl-converter/javascript-fetch/ Happy coding!
B4J | Database | Palantech Framework | It's with great pleasure that i am releasing the first ever ORM MVC B4J Framework:
ORM: Object Relational Mapping, This framework allows you to pull from and push data to a database without writing SQL, this is done using the awesome Type system that we all love in B4x
MVC: Stands for Model View Controller. you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ModelΓÇôviewΓÇôcontroller
B4J: The IDE that we all love! (please check footnotes) |
It's with great pleasure that i am releasing the first ever ORM MVC B4J Framework. What does that mean? ORM: Object Relational Mapping, This framework allows you to pull from and push data to a database without writing SQL, this is done using the awesome Type system that we all love in B4x...
B4X | Date/time | AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X] | AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X] |
This is a date and time picker in IOS picker design. This library is based on the ASWheelPicker, without it the library will not work. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-wheelpicker-spinner-a-modern-single-multiple-choice-picker-view-based-on-xcustomlistview-payware.127505/...
B4X | Action Bar, Drawer, etc | B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel [B4X] | I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested. |
I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested. I spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of...
B4I | Emulator/VM | Local Mac Builder Installation | iOS compilation requires an Apple Mac computer. Developers have two options with B4i:
- Use a local Mac machine connected over the local network.
- Use our hosted builder rental service.
These instructions explain how to install the builder on a local Mac machine. |
Edit: Apple Configurator 2 must be used when using a local Mac: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/installing-apps-with-apple-configurator-2.128397/#content iOS compilation requires an Apple Mac computer. Developers have two options with B4i: - Use a local Mac machine connected over the...
B4X | WebView | WebView + CKEditor [rich text editor] [B4X] | WebView + CKEditor [rich text editor] [B4X] |
This is a cross platform example that adds CKEditor rich text editor using WebView: https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/ Make sure to read CKEditor licensing and pricing: https://ckeditor.com/pricing/ (related discussion...
B4X | TabStrip | AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI] | AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI] |
New year, new ASViews :) I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee. :) NEW PaddingSelectionPanel - Picture Value: 5 NEW...
B4I | B4I | B4i Change Log (versions history) | B4i Change Log (versions history) |
v8.80 - December 4, 2024 - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4i-v8-80-has-been-released.164471/ The builder and the IDE were updated to better handle the signing process and now identify and support keys created with newer versions of Java. The recommended version of Java is updated to...
B4J | CSS | CSS Utils and JavaFX version [FYI] | CSS Utils and JavaFX version [FYI] |
When using the CSS Utils library in a new B4J project i found that there is a newer document for the Javafx CSS properties webpage. In the (old - 2015) thread CSS Utils you can find a link to the CSS properties (Javafx 1.3). The latest version of the CSS Utils library uses javafx 8. The new link...
B4A | Serial comm/USB | OBD2 Rev Counter USB ELM327 | Rev counter using OBD2. Rquests RPM (PID 010C) every 0.2 sec. ELM327 V1.5 to USB. |
Rev counter using OBD2. Rquests RPM (PID 010C) every 0.2 sec. ELM327 V1.5 to USB.
B4J | Colour | Random Hexcolor Generator | Random Hexcolor Generator |
Ola... I needed something like this... here we go... 'generate a random hex color Sub RandomHexColor As String Dim shex As StringBuilder shex.initialize shex.append("#") Dim hexValues As List hexValues.Initialize hexValues.AddAll(Array(0, 1 , 2 , 3 ,4 ,5 , 6 , 7 ...
B4A | Serial comm/USB | UsbSerial | This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific PL2303 USB to serial converters, Android ADK devices and USB permissions. All devices use the same simple interface intended to be used with AsyncStreams and AsyncStreamsText. Note that AsyncStreams prefix mode is not supported. The library is based on the same open source project Android USB host serial driver library as the existing UsbSerial library but no longer needs a separate jar file as the project source code is incorporated in the library. |
This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific PL2303 USB to serial converters, Android ADK devices and USB permissions. All devices use the same simple interface intended to be used with AsyncStreams and AsyncStreamsText. Note that AsyncStreams...
B4J | BAnano - database | Using PocketBase [Firebase Alternative] Locally for your Apps. [BANano] | Using PocketBase [Firebase Alternative] Locally for your Apps. [BANano] |
Hi there. Update: This class is based on the JavaScript SDK available here, https://github.com/pocketbase/js-sdk REST API calls are dont internal to the library, if you want to use pure REST API, use BANanoFetch, the documentation should be easy to follow. I got to test the "Open Source...
B4A | Barcode/scan | Valid EAN13 Barcode String | Generate random valid EAN13 barcode string |
Generate random valid EAN13 barcode string: Public Sub BarcodeEAN13() As String Dim brcod As String = Rnd(100000000,214000000) brcod = "950" & brcod '
B4J | Camera | WebCam class: how to choose a second camera | WebCam class: how to choose a second camera |
Hi, All Thanks to the developer of SarxosWebCam wrapper ! SarxosWebCam lib was updated to "webcam-capture-0.3.12", so i was trying and got success in updating the webcam class - we can choose any camera by the name. Extra .JARS (sorry, no store for files, they were googled one by one on the...
B4A | Multiple items | 3D Body 4 libraries | There are three libraries, doing similar thing with variations:
1. A 3D cube, with or without dice numbers on, can roll by touch or by command or provide a throw result by click.
2. A 3D library for any body, provided that you know how to define its verteces and polygons. There are examples of several bodies which may help, see photos.
3. A 3D library for any body (like 2 above), using Open_GL 1 library (thanks to Agraham). Note that I have very limited knowledge on the use of Open_GL and this implementation is very basic, however the user of this 3D library does not need any knowhow of Open_gl at all. In all libraries you can create a view which is a base panel and the body on it. The panel may be transparent or with a bitmap. |
Reuse of something I did in B4ppc days and got a round tuit now for B4a. There are three libraries, doing similar thing with variations: 1. A 3D cube, with or without dice numbers on, can roll by touch or by command or provide a throw result by click. 2. A 3D library for any body, provided that...