Hi dear Alexander.
I don't know how as_view works (I haven't looked at the library).
And I don't know if these two examples can help you.
I have prepared 2 examples for you:
The former intercepts whether the mouse is inside the object or if it is outside the object. You could eventually "stop" the gesture capability inside as_view.
The second intercept right if you use the SWIPE (trackpad) to the right or left
I don't know how as_view works (I haven't looked at the library).
And I don't know if these two examples can help you.
I have prepared 2 examples for you:
The former intercepts whether the mouse is inside the object or if it is outside the object. You could eventually "stop" the gesture capability inside as_view.
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'First Example if the mouse is inside the object ( example calendar )
Dim JO As JavaObject = Pane1 'or Whichever Node you are tracking
Dim O As Object = JO.CreateEventFromUI("javafx.event.EventHandler","MouseEntered",Null)
Dim O As Object = JO.CreateEventFromUI("javafx.event.EventHandler","MouseExited",Null)
End Sub
Private Sub MouseEntered_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
Log("Mouse inside")
End Sub
Private Sub MouseExited_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
Log("Mouse Out")
End Sub
The second intercept right if you use the SWIPE (trackpad) to the right or left
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'Next Example if SWIPE LEFT O RIGHT
Dim R As Reflector
R.Target = MainForm.RootPane
End Sub
Private Sub SwipeLeft_Filter (E As Event)
Dim MouseEvent As JavaObject = E
End Sub
Private Sub SwipeRight_Filter (E As Event)
Dim MouseEvent As JavaObject = E
End Sub