Hi everyone,
Could you please help me with the following error?
I try to post with the below code :
this is the error that i get (from browser the link works fine):
Program started.
<Res Code="63">
<Err Source="Server" Type="ClientInvalidPostFormat">
<Message>Root element is missing.
Content of post body must be valid xml. </Message>
Could you please help me with the following error?
I try to post with the below code :
Sub Button1_Click
End Sub
Sub Submit_Action
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("",Me )
j.PostString("http://localhost:4444/SellPLUWithSpecifiedVat(NamePLU=Article1,OptionVATClass=A,Price=10.2,Quantity=1, DiscAddP = 0, DiscAddV = 0)","")
Wait For(j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
End Sub
Program started.
<Res Code="63">
<Err Source="Server" Type="ClientInvalidPostFormat">
<Message>Root element is missing.
Content of post body must be valid xml. </Message>