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Library / classes / tools developers: please write a short post in this thread every time you make an update (also remember to update the wiki when posting new stuff).

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UsbSerial V2.5 is available It is identical to version 2.4 but adds the required flag for Pending Intents when targeting SDK 31+.


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Latest libraries index do not refresh changes, so I will publish news here.

PndFFmpegKit v5.1.0

Ivica Golubovic

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UltimateWebView Version 2.3 released. Library is now compatible with B4XPages. Download library and documents from first post.

  • Added method AllowFullScreenVideo (Allowed As Boolean,ForceLandscape As Boolean) to UltimateWebView class.
  • Library reorganized and deleted unnecessary class imports.
  • Bugs fixed.
AllowFullScreenVideo enables to display videos in full screen (eg youtube videos and other video streaming services). In order for this method to work, it is necessary to prevent Activity redrawing in case of screen orientation changed because all views will lose their instances and restart to initial instances. For these purposes I recommend using the SoftOrientation library. To download the library and read instructions for using the SoftOrientation library, click here.

Ivica Golubovic

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SoftOrientation version 1.2 realised. Download library from first post

  1. Added property RotationInDegrees as Int in SoftOrientationForActivities and SoftOrientationForB4XPages
  2. From version 1.2 library XUI is not necessary for library functionality.
  3. Fixed wrong Activity size bug when Activity full screen is active.
  4. Improved view resizing process in case of orientation change.
  5. Fixed bug when B4XPage or Activity view hierarchy change.
Do not add any views before initializing the SoftOrientationForActivity, or in the case of B4XPages projects, before initializing the SoftOrientationB4XPage for the selected page to avoid accidentally misreading the view hierarchy. Examples:
Activity project:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Here you can continue to adding views programatically or fill custom views with content
End Sub
B4XPages MainPage:
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    'load the layout to Root

    'Here you can continue to adding views programatically or fill custom views with content
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    'load the layout to Root
    'Here you can continue to adding views programatically or fill custom views with content
End Sub


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TextCrumbs v1 Released.



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SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition

Version 1.5:
  1. Added option to feed external audio buffer. Instead of using the internal audio recorder you can feed external audio buffer from another audio source.
    (Check the latest example project)
  2. Updated VOSK and JNA library. (Please delete old dependencies before coping the new ones.)


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Okay, I have it. One would think that a "Subscribe" button would be better than a "Watch" button. Or that someone explained that it is called "watch" and not "subscribe".

"Users can subscribe to this thread to be notified when there are updates."

For others like me, it should have been "Users can Watch this thread to be notified when there are updates."

Thank you for clarifying.


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DropboxV2 updated to use the new V7 jar from Dropbox.
Every jar <V7.0 will stop working end of the year.

With this Update you are save to go.

Library Version set to 0.70.

- Additional you now can Refresh an Short-Life-Token if the token expires.
