admin manager

  1. mr.kucuk


    I am making a kiosk key lock application. For this application, I first wrote an admin application. First of all, when I ran the code, it gave false. When I removed the Google account and authorized the device, the device restarted, I realized that the device had received Admin authorization...
  2. E

    Android Question Screen lock problem

    Hello everyone, I followed these steps: 1- Create a project using the Administrator library. 2- Activate device manager. I can lock the device with manager.LockScreen, but if I enter this command: manager.ResetPassword("0000") I get this error: java.lang.SecurityException: Device admin can...
  3. A

    Android Question Permissions in manifest not triggering question at install

    Hi All I'm using the ContactUtils class here: It allows to read contact info from a phone. I added these permissions to the manifest as per the tutorial for the class...
  4. peacemaker

    Android Question Wipe device

    HI, All For some request - the device wiping is needed. Seems, my code is working, but ... how to test ? :) The MEMU emulator does nothing. Android emulator, seems, requests SD-card re-formatting in the notification area. How to be sure that the full wipe is real ? Maybe anyone has real old...