For some time now, I've noticed that notifications using a topic are no longer delivered on devices running Android 9 (and probably Android 10). For the notifications to be delivered again, I have to either uninstall then reinstall the application, or delete the application data in the...
I'm currently trying to develop an android application to manage eSIM profiles including functions to download, enable, disable, delete profile. However at the current stage, I'm unable to even hit the LPA code while attempting to download the profile from a hardcoded LPA string within the...
I have been researching for a long time to be able to copy a file (folder) from dirinternal in the android / data folder. This is easily possible with file.copy in Android 10 below, but in newer versions of Android (some Android 10 and Android 11) it is very difficult and complicated. So I...
Estoy usando el siguiente código para redondear las esquinas de un Label y funciona bien excepto en Android 10, en A10 no las redondea, quedan como por defecto
Dim l_din_redondeocolor(2) As Int
Hello. Sorry for my english.
I'm using the next code for "roundering the corner" of a Label and it works fine but in Android 10 does not work, the corner is flat
Dim l_din_redondeocolor(2) As Int
This is the error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion;
at dd.b(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_mapsdynamite@210613081@21.06.13 (120400-0):2)
at dc.a(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_mapsdynamite@210613081@21.06.13 (120400-0):1)
I have found repeated recommendation, specifically with the newer android requirements, to no longer use File.DirRootExternal.
However these recommendations all lead to long storage folder names which include "/b4a.example/files",
and really believe me: I have been searching and reading...
App su Android 10, un service, in attesa di comandi via mqtt provenienti da pc X
Se l'operatore avvia la sequenza per riavviare o spegnere il sistema operativo, avrei bisogno di informare (sparargli un messaggio) il pc X che l'app sta per essere chiusa, e magari anche il motivo per cui questo...
Hi all.
I've notice a strange situation. The same app (attached) when crashed on Android 8 shows the message "Unfortunately the app has stopped" and then shows a list of icons to select for sending crash report by email.
The same app on Android 10 doesn't show crash message but just shows a...
Hello, I post data to my server with OkHttpUtils2 and it works. But my server not have SSL and that is why my program does not work in Android 10.
I do not know what to do to connect to the server in Android 10 without SSL.
Hi all.
Is it safe to use a code like this to get unique phone id? It works on my Android 10 phone today. But what about tomorrow? Or Advertising ID is a only safe way?
Sub GenerateID() As String
Dim P As Phone
Dim IDAndroid As String=P.GetSettings("android_id")...
May I ask you a question myself - if for Android 10 we need to make so many changes for write permissions as we see in many threads on this forum - what about backward compatibility?
I still have many customers who are using Android 8 or 9 and I don't want them to upgrade their phones to Android...
my program its ok on Android 9 , but fail on Android 10
a message is => java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/eTOP.sql: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
Tanks for solution;
Dim Explanation As String = "Conceda permissão para ler e gravar na memória externa"...
I'm using the updated example from here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/android-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/
Discovery works with targetsdkversion="28" (Android9), but fail with targetsdkversion="29" (Android10).
As I want to use in my app the latest features from...
Hello. This thread is about the devices IMEI.
But before I get to the actual questions, I'd like to give you a rough explanation of our business model, so you know why the IMEI is so important to us.
We offer our customers various software solutions, including device tracking and order...
I have a problem on android 10 - my app won't work because pid.GetSimSerialNumber
any idea how to read Sim serial number ?
Dim pid As PhoneId
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result =...
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