
  1. walterf25

    iOS Question B4i-Bridge installation problem

    I am trying to install b4i-bridge on a mini ipad 5th generation which I just have updated to the latest fw, however when scanning the QR code and upon the b4i-bridge app being insalled, when launching it, I see an error that says Unable to Install "B4i-Bridge" This app cannot be installed...
  2. P

    iOS Question Can not install B4i-Bridge after ios upgrade

    Can not install B4i-Bridge, message "B4i-Bridge cannot be installed, try it later" My environment: local buildserver version 7.5 (Mac version 10.16 VM) Xcode version 13.2 B4i version 7.80 Iphone 8 with ios 15.1 I managed to build a release app and install it succesfully with Diawi. The app...