b4xlib resources

  1. LucaMs

    Android Code Snippet [B4X][Library] A solution to easily add your own code snippets?

    EDIT: Attached MySnippets.b4xlib and instructions about how you can add your own code snippets (see them after the line of asterisks in this post) Watch the animated gif in post #7 to see how to use this library...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] How to include B4xlib Resources on new projects?

    Ola Scenario: My BANano b4xlib comes with resources, e.g. images, php, zip files that I will mostly use across apps I built with the library. Without having to always include the images, php, zip files again on new projects I make with the BANano B4xlib, how can I tell BANano to source the...