bluetooth low eneregy

  1. P

    Android Question problem with BLE, beacons, and reading the advertisement package

    I am trying to connect to an iBeacon via the app and I am using the trial version of b4a. my problems are as follows: 1. The BeaconParser function is unavailable and the readRemoteRssi function is causing an error message = Cannot assign void value. 2. My BleManager2_object.Scan2(Null,True) is...
  2. T

    Android Question CC2541 disconnects immediately after connection with BLE

    I am using BLE2 library (1.36) and the example code 'BLE_Example' posted in the forum to connect my Android phone (central) with a CC2541 chip (peripheral). I am using B4A v8.3. Initially, I was able to connect with CC2541. But, after a few tests, the CC2541 disconnects immediately after...