bottom navigation

  1. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS TabMenuAdvanced

    A container view controller that manages a multiselection interface, where the selection determines which child view controller to display. This view was developed and structured from scratch :) i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to...
  2. Biswajit

    B4A Library [B4X][XUI] WobbleMenu - a cross platform animated bottom navigation

    Hi everyone, This is a B4X compatible bottom navigation. It has 4 types of tab changing animation and 3 types of icon revealing animation. WobbleMenu Author: @Biswajit Version: 1.5 Dependency: JavaObject, BitmapCreator, XUI WobbleMenu Functions: GetCurrentTab As Int Get the current tab id...