
  1. M

    Android Question Crashlytics not work

    Hello, I followed the instructions on this page ( to implement Crashlytics in my application, but I am not receiving any error reports on the Google console.
  2. M

    What is the best way to send Exception? Firebase?

    Hi everyone, I've a question. Given an App that handles a Try Catch, what is the best method to send the Exception in order to see the details? Crashlytics is only good when the app actually crashes, but if the error is managed and I only want to see what the error was? How can I do...
  3. D

    Android Question B4xpagesmanager error

    Hello! I'm getting this error informed on firebase crashlytics, i can't reproduce it, so I don't know how to fix it or where's the problem. Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.lang.Object com.empresa.appname.b4xpagesmanager$_b4xpageinfo.B4XPage'...
  4. T

    Android Question FireBase Crashlytics console not receive event. Remains in state "waiting for comunication"

    Hi all, I've a problem with a firebase-crashlytics integration. I've followed all the steps but I can't figure why even sending an exception it can't communicate with console (console remains in state "waiting from communication"). From application log I can't see nothing wrong Is there a way...
  5. B4i Library Firebase Crashlytics

    This is a wrapper of Firebase Crashlytics library for B4i. I made this for @Jack Cole and he gave me permission to post this in forum to help other users. iFirebaseCrashlytics Author: @Biswajit Version: 2 Crashlytics Events: HasUnsentReports Functions: checkForUnsentReports Check for...
  6. K

    Android Question Uncaught translation error After Updating Android SDK

    I follow this tutorial :: and Update Android SDK Because its showing :: Maven artifact not found: After that Compiler Showing B4A Version: 9.80 Java Version: 8 Parsing code...
  7. Android Question Crashlytics - Maven artifact not found

    Maven artifact not found:
  8. T

    Other Crashlytics compile error (Maven artifact non trovato:

    Hi, I'm tring to add Crashlytics features to my application I've followed tutorial but i'm unable to compile anymore it seems to be missing some sdk installation? I've installed as required all Raccomended, crashlytics...
  9. T

    Bug? Crashlytics Compile Error (Maven artifact non trovato)

    Hi, I'm tring to add Crashlytics features to my application I've followed tutorial but i'm unable to compile anymore it seems to be missing some sdk installation? I've installed as required all Raccomended, crashlytics...
  10. Wish Ability to send crash reports to Crashlytics (for instance)

    Background There exist a number of services around the web that gather information about iOS app crashes, so we as developers can more easily fix bugs. Here's a short list of such services: Crashlytics HockeyApp Instabug I'm sure there are more, if one searches the interwebs. At the moment...
  11. Android Question Crashlytics Tutorial

    So, the old Crash reporting panel in Firebase will be replaced with Crashlytics on September 9. I've already integrated Crashlytics into all of our apps. But for the app to be shown into the Crashlytics panel, it has to be linked to Fabric- But after signing into Fabric, it says "Your...
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