
  1. R

    Android Question Declaring variables with Private in a regular Sub

    I noticed some users do this eg: Sub GetMaxValue(arrInt() As Int) As Int If arrInt.Length = 1 Then Return arrInt(0) Private i As Int 'not sure what the point/benefit is of declaring this with Private Dim iResult As Int iResult = arrInt(0) For i = 1 To arrInt.Length - 1...
  2. maxh2815

    Android Question Should I use Dim or Public and Private?

    If I understand correctly, variables in Process_Globals and Globals should be declared with either Public or Private. However, if I was to declare a variable in a regular sub, should I use those modifiers or should I be using Dim? Is there an actual difference or is it just a personal...
  3. R

    iOS Question Dim Within A Loop - Why?

    I have noticed this happens occasionally and maybe I should have asked the question earlier. This example applies to B4i but I have also noticed it happening in B4A. Dim ThisPosition As LatLng 'Before the loop Do While Locations.NextRow...