
  1. N

    Android Question Epson (ESC/POS) commands - Printer

    Hello, I have an usb printer (i don't know it's model neither it's codepage, i can not print it and i don't have any documentation) and i have made the connection with my app. I can send POS/ESC commands and print my result but if i try to send a POS/ESC command using an "n" 2 digit number, the...
  2. Share My Creation Print Server (USB Thermal Receipt) running on Raspberry Pi

    This is a demo video of B4J Print Server which is a REST API Web Server. The server can run on Windows and Linux including on a Raspberry Pi OS. I have also created B4J, B4A and B4i Client app to send request to the server through GET and POST. The print data can contain ESC/POS string sent...
  3. R

    Spanish Codigo de barras ESC/P

    Hola, buenas tardes, verán acabo de cambiar una impresora matricial OKI Pacemark 3410 por una EPSON FX-2190 ... El punto es que tengo un .txt el cual contiene acuses con información de clientes y un código de barras con el número de orden , este código de barras se imprime gracias a unas...
  4. I

    Android Question How to find out paper width for an ESC/POS printer?

    I have been using this class by @agraham to print on a Bluetooth thermal printer and it works great. Now my client is planning to get new printers with different paper sizes. Previously all printers were of the same paper size. Now with varying size, I am looking for a way to dynamically figure...
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