
  1. Michael2150

    Android Question Keep JPEG Exif meta data

    Hi I have an image coming in from the camera using the MediaChooser. I am trying to compress the image, but when I do it loses all the exif data. This messes up the rotation on some devices etc. I am using Smm to display the images, the images are displayed perfectly before trying to compress...
  2. epiCode

    B4J Question Image Resizing while retaining Metadata

    Is the any library which can read/write metadata / exif and when resizing it does not remove metadata. JMagicImage library removes metadata completely. (the project is also archived now on github)
  3. Alain75

    Android Question Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/media/ExifInterface;

    Hi, I tried to use @DonManfred exif wrapper but program crashs with title reason. I added the line below in the project region : #AdditionalJar: com.android.support:exifinterface I also checked the environment with the sdkmanager. It seems I installed the awaited exif library : But it...
  4. Pendrush

    B4J Library jMagicImage - Read exif and metadata data, convert, compress image, also some basic image filters

    Original libarary: https://github.com/magiclen/MagicImage jMagicImage is a B4j (wrapper) library for image processing. It can support many formats of images in Java programs and provide common functions to make adjustments to the image. After you finish adjusting your images, you can export...