
  1. Alexander Stolte

    iOS Code Snippet Flip View - 3D Flip Animation

    FlipView(xlbl_AddIcon,500,False,True,180,False) Sub FlipView(View As View, DurationMs As Int, xAxis As Boolean, yAxis As Boolean, Angle As Double, Reset As Boolean) Dim no As NativeObject = Me no.RunMethod("flipView:duration:xAxis:yAxis:angle:reset:", Array(View, DurationMs, xAxis...
  2. Sagenut

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] FlipSwitch

    FlipSwitch v1.00 My first attempt to create a CustomView. It support B4A, B4J and B4i. I want to Thank @LucaMs for giving me the will to do it and the beginning idea. It's simply yet another ON/OFF switch. It feature a flap that got animated to change the state of the switch. The colors...