
  1. Sandman

    iOS Question Manually set location in Simulator to trigger geofences?

    I'm working with geofences, and it's getting tiresome to code something, go to the car and drive around for a while to see if it worked, go back and code some more, go to the car, etc. So I'm thinking the Apple Simulator might be something for me to use most of the time and only rarely go to...
  2. Sandman

    Android Question [SOLVED] What is best strategy for working geofences in Android 11?

    Geofences in earlier versions of Android work just fine, but in Android 11(*) it doesn't seem to work as-is. So I made a marathon post where I did a lot of tests, trying to figure out things...
  3. Sandman

    Android Question [SOLVED] Problem getting geofences to work in later versions of Android

    UPDATE: I added Test 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to this post. I've also posted a new thread with a follow-up. This post is entirely based based on the code in I'm trying to get geofences to work on...
  4. Sandman

    Android Question How to request background locations with API 29 and above?

    Yesterday I did a lot of tests to figure out how things worked regarding permissions and background location (full report here). It's clear that background permission is more difficult to get approved since API 29. How do we request permission for background locations in API 29 and above? I...
  5. Sandman

    iOS Question How to detect if app was swipe-killed? (in context of geofences)

    I'm experimenting a bit with geofences on iOS (related thread) and have a related question. If the user swipe-kill the app, the geofences also stop working. And the app doesn't get an event when it gets swipe-killed, I've read in many threads here in the forum. However, can I do something...
  6. Sandman

    iOS Question How to restore geofences if app got swipe-killed?

    I'm experimenting a bit with geofences on iOS (related thread) and have a related question. Looking at the related thread, Erel says: As I understand it, this means that swipe-killing an app also removes all geofences the OS kept looking for. Reasonable, but how can we enable them again? Is...
  7. Sandman

    iOS Question How to make it simple for user to pick "Always allow" when using geofences?

    I'm experimenting a bit with geofences on iOS (related thread) and have encountered something unexpected. When starting the app, the OS asks me (something like): "Do you want to allow this app to use positioning" With these options for the user to select from: Don't allow Allow once Allow...
  8. amorosik

    Italian [B4J] Come sapere se posizione bici/auto e all'interno 'zona' precedentemente definita?

    Date un'occhiata a questo post Mappa taxi con 'zone' Dopo aver definito le zone (i poligoni colorati) su una jGoogleMaps, il sistema consente di registrare quando un mezzo e' all'interno della zona oppure no Come realizzare una funzione che, data la posizione latitudine/longitudine del mezzo...
  9. M

    iOS Question [SOLVED] GeoFence and closed app

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if it's possibile to set up a geofence that when you enter (or exit), triggers an event catchable with the app closed. (like Apple "Find My" app, that can send a notification to you when a friend leave/arrive a place). I'm not knowledge about this things , so I'm...
  10. M

    Android Question List all GeoFences

    Hi, I am trying out this example, and I am wondering: Can all currently active GeoFences be returned from Android OS into my app? Also, I would very much appreciate if someone suggested some way of testing this feature other than walking around looking into my phone? Something like setting a...
  11. M

    Android Question Geofence foreground doesn't Work

    Hi everyone, i'm taking a look to @Erel example on Geofence ( I'm trying to change it in order to implement it as foreground service, in this way TEORICALLY the OS can't kill my process...
  12. Sandman

    iOS Question Best practice when "pausing" geofences?

    Let's say I have defined ten geofences in my app, and all is working fine. Now the user wants to pause the detection for a period, lets say 24 hours. What is the best practice to "pause" the fences, and make sure they "activate" again in 24 hours? I've managed to find two strategies, but I'm...