
  1. Azael Pérez


    He visto las publicaciones de los foros sobre los gifs y no encuentro los archivos para agregar a la carpeta "Libraries", la libreria es B4XGifView, vi que está en Github pero no lo encuentro, porfa necesito su ayuda :(( I have seen the forum posts about gifs and I can't find the files to add...
  2. Pendrush

    B4J Library jMagicImage - Read exif and metadata data, convert, compress image, also some basic image filters

    Original libarary: jMagicImage is a B4j (wrapper) library for image processing. It can support many formats of images in Java programs and provide common functions to make adjustments to the image. After you finish adjusting your images, you can export...
  3. Carlos marin

    iOS Question [B4XGifView] has a way to disable looping and control speed in iOS?

    Hi guys, is there a way to replicate what I saw in the following thread but for iOS? I can't find the B4XGifView1.GifDrawable property and would like to have control to start, stop and handle the speed of the gif, i'm loading a gif but it takes longer to reproduce the animation than it should...

    Android Question Simple loader Gif Animation with rotate image

    Hello, I have a simple script to animate a loader image during a wait for poststring class. It's works great but between each loop of the rotation there is a few waiting second ? like that : the code : Dim POStr As POSTstr Dim imgload As Animation...
  5. Mashiane

    Can we all please learn?

    Hi all One of the things I love about Erel's posts and anyone else who follows suit, especially about new things e.g. libraries / components, is that whilst one attaches the code, they have a video / gif / screen grab attached too to the post so that one sees what the library / new...
  6. Mashiane

    Can we all please learn?

    Hi all One of the things I love about Erel's posts and anyone else who follows suit, especially about new things e.g. libraries / components, is that whilst one attaches the code, they have a video / gif / screen grab attached too to the post so that one sees what the library / new...