
  1. Android Question problem with connecting to HC-05 in android 10

    hi, I have a problem with HC 05 in android 10. first of all I sat up the board like the one in the tutorial ( this tutorial ) and installed Bluetooth Terminal HC-05 to test whether it's working fine or not. as you see in the picture by sending a character like "A" the green light turns on and...
  2. Android Question Need Help for RTU MODBUSS library

    Hi B4A Masters... Can anyone here help me to wrapping MODBUS RTU? I have to create an application which will communicate with Bluetooth HC05 @ PLC Board using stardard Modbuss RTU. And how much I have to donate for this library?
  3. Spanish Chat Bluetooth [Solucionado]

    Hola a todos. Estoy tratando de crear una sencilla aplicación que permita enviar comandos y recibir respuestas de un arduino. Este es el código que estoy empleando. #Region Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example #VersionCode: 1 #VersionName: 'SupportedOrientations...
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