
  1. vfafou

    Android Question About Huawei HarmonyOS...

    Hello! I would like to ask if anybody has created apps for Huawei HarmonyOS with B4A. I have searched the forum but I see the SDK last updated in 2021.
  2. D

    Android Question How to Integrating Huawei In App Purchase

    Any example Integrating Huawei In App Purchase?
  3. Ferdari

    B4A Library Huawei SDK + Analytics

    This library is very simple, it connects to the HMS SDK and then sends Stats to Analytics services like: Which Activity open, users actions, etc. Author: Huawei + Ferdari Version: 1.0 Add the AppGallery Connect configuration file of the app to your B4A project. Sign in to AppGallery Connect...
  4. Pendrush

    Huawei Ads Kit

    Wrapper for Huawei Ads Kit. Based on Huawei Ads Kit v13.4.37.300 (28 December 2020). Github link. Banner, Interstitial and Reward Ads. Info about HUAWEI Ads Publisher Service. This library is for Huawei phones only, as all Huawei phones already have HMS Core app installed. You may want to use...
  5. M

    Android Question Push Notification (Firebase) Not showing on some smartphones

    Hi everyone, i recently distributed an app that includes push notification. the notifications are locally created with the NB6 class. Unfortunately i‘ve got some feedbacks from my user saying that they are not receiving the notifications. I asked them what phone they are using: 90% Huawei, and...
  6. Multiverse app

    Android Question Support for Huawei Code Kits

    We wish to implement all the Huawei libraries to our B4A apps, but it appears that the Documentation is for Android Studio. This process includes downloading App ID JSON, like Firebase, updating gradle, etc. Not very sure how this can be Implemented in B4A. Also, can the wrapper for these SDKs...
  7. Nerdworld

    Android Question Always on Display - Notification Icon [Huawei Mate 20 Pro]

    Hey folks! I'm currently running into an issue with one of my apps: - My app has a constant notification for a running service - On my old phone (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge) i had a small version of my app icon on the "always on"-display. - On my new phone (Huawei Mate 20 Pro) there is a small...
  8. uniplan

    Android Question CamEx2 Error : Camera 0: Got error Invalid argument (-22) after ...

    Hi, i'm using the CamEx2 Library on my Huawei P20 Pro (Android 8), buta i receive this message when i try to take a Photo. android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException: CAMERA_ERROR (3): submitRequestList:283: Camera 0: Got error Invalid argument (-22) after trying to submit capture request...
  9. uniplan

    Android Question Problem receive push android 7

    Hi...i have a particular problem on devices android with Android 7 version (Samsun s6 and Huawei P10) .I don't receive the push notification. With the same app on other device with android 6, i haven't this problem (Samsun Note 3). There are any type of problem? Thank you?