
  1. Jaume Guillem

    B4J Library JPI4J2b Library for use GPIO,I2C and SPI with Raspberry Pi4B and Java 11

    For years I have been using the JPI4J library to control the GPIOs and I2C bus of the Raspberry 3B with Java8. With the appearance of the Raspberry 4B with Java11, this library stopped working, and after a while Erel gave us the JPI4J2 that works perfectly with the GPIOs but does NOT have the...
  2. walterf25

    B4J Question MQTT Delay Time

    Hi Everyone, I am working on a project where I have a raspberry pi 4B where I have a b4j app running which communicates with a 32 channel Analog to Digital Converter we designed and built at work, the communication is via I2C protocol, this part works very well as far as I have been able to...
  3. walterf25

    B4J Question B4J App Slow on Raspberry Pi 4

    Hi all, I am working on a project for work, basically I am attaching a DAQ (Data Acquisition System) we designed with 4 ADCs that communicate with raspberry pi over I2C communication protocol. This all seems to work fine so far, I am able to communicate with each of the ADCs and collect data...
  4. moty22

    Share My Creation Doorbell using I2C EEPROM

    A doorbell for Arduino Uno or Nano interfacing EEPROM with I2C. The EEPROM 24C512 is 512Kbits and it can store up to 3 seconds wave file of 22.050KHz, 8 bits, mono. The Arduino reads the ROM bytes in a sequential read mode and stream each byte to the PWM generator at a rate of 22 KHz. The I2C...
  5. M

    B4J Question Using Raspberry Pi I2C with ADS1115 (Adafruit)

    Hello, I'm trying to communicate a raspberry pi 3 model B with ADS1115 through i2c communication, but it is not working. When I run an adafruit example in python, its works perfectly. Using and arduino Mega i can read what python example sends to ADS1115 and I tried to send the same commands...
  6. C

    B4J Code Snippet MCP9808 reading temperature

    Hello everyone, Here an example for using the MCP9808 sensor on a raspberry pi. This is only a code snippet, as it only read's the temperature. Not all the registers are implemented. Negative values aren't yet tested. This is a console application. Kind regards, Tim. *IMPORTANT UPDATE* The...