
  1. LucaMs

    B4A Library [B4X] B4XIndexOfObject

    Authors: @Sagenut & @LucaMs Multi-platform library (B4A, B4J, B4i) that provides only one very useful method: Find. Its purpose is to be able to obtain the index of a List like the IndexOf method easily even if the elements contained in the List are objects and not simple strings or numbers...
  2. Z

    Android Question does List contains Map

    I have a List of Maps, Maps are simple points, like (x,y) I'm trying to check if the first list contains elements(maps) from the second list... For i=0 To oList.Size -1 Dim m As Map=oList.Get(i) startX= m.Get("x") Log("X1:" & startX) startY= m.Get("y")...
  3. M

    Bug? List.IndexOf not working as supposed to do

    Hi everyone, why this simple line of code, is not working? I don't understand what could be the problem.. seems so straight forward... That sub simply loads two lists with numbers, then i want to see if the contents are different, so as soon as IndexOf returns -1 i proceed with the rest of the...
  4. LucaMs

    B4A Class [B4X] List2

    Description: A simple class to add 3 methods to the native List. Methods: IndexOf2(Item As Object, StartIndex As Int) As Int Returns the index of the specified item starting the search from StartIndex. Returns -1 if Item was not found. GetAllIndexes(Item As Object) As List Returns a list...