inline java

  1. B

    Android Question How to get the return value of getBA().raiseEventFromUI

    I want to know how to get the return value from a function called B4X from inline JAVA. Private Sub Button1_Click Me.As(JavaObject).RunMethod("sum", Array(1,2)) End Sub Sub getsum(a As Int,b As Int) As String Return a+b End Sub #if java public void sum(Int a,Int b){...
  2. epiCode

    Android Code Snippet [B4X] Calculate width of Charsequence Text

    Calculate width of Charsequence Text Uses Java Function measureText(charSequence , int Start, int End) ' textSize is default textsize of label where charsequence is displayed Sub getWidthofCS(cx As Object,textSize As Float) As Float Dim jo As JavaObject = Me Return...
  3. kstasadduq

    Android Question Need help for Inline Java Code

    I need to use the following inline java code in my B4A application: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This broadcast receiver...
  4. LucaMs

    Android Question Inline Java code in B4XPages

    Is this correct? #If B4A #If Java '... #End If #End If
  5. jroriz

    B4J Question Opencv Template Matching (inline java)

    I'm trying to follow this example: I'm not a java programmer, so I'm having a hard time ... The program returns the error below: I imported the java libraries and created a little program. B4J project and opencv libs...
  6. L

    Android Question Third part library - JavaObject

    Hi All, I have to intercept, from an Android device, an event raised from a library of the device. I added the library with #AdditionalJar: companyregdevicelibrary In this library there is an "IButton" object that I initialize with JavaObject Dim CompDevice As JavaObject...
  7. Shivito1

    Android Question Android will not let me upload my app

    requires new api however if i use new api my permissions are all messed up. is there away to ask for overlay permission via if java??? I don't want to update my version of b4a just to change a permission... Please help thanks. ** Service (notify_builder) Start ** PanelMain PanelMain PanelMain...
  8. DavideV

    B4A Class Torch class

    Hello, this is a simple B4A class to make easy the use of the built-in led of our beloved android devices. Tested on various devices up to android 8. The goal is to use the led as a Torch. The code is commented and comes with an example. It uses inline java and depends on: -Javaobject lib...
  9. Sandman

    Android Question Does exceptions in inline java mess with live updating the code?

    I'm testing some things and have a piece of inline java that is throwing an exception under some conditions. That exception is not fatal for the app at all, and is also wrapped in a try/catch block. However, if the exception is thrown, it's not possible to live update the code anymore. In...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Library MashMSWord: Beginning MS Word Tables

    Ola At some stage I will need to work with MS Word Tables, this is my attempt to do do using Inline Java. Dependencies: poi-3-17 / jPOI Library Output: Reproduction Dim msword As MashMSWord msword.Initialize msword.Create(File.DirApp,"msword.docx") msword.AddParagraph("Anele...
  11. asales

    Android Question BA.Log don't work in inline java code

    I'm trying to use this code to see the log in the java code: #if Java public static class MyAdListener extends { String eventName = "nativead"; BA.Log(eventName); @Override public void onAdClosed() {...
  12. J

    B4A Class A Unit Test solution (class CTestRunner)

    I seem to now have a working Unit Test solution for B4A for anybody interested. The test code and test runner are included in the project to be tested, but can be excluded from compilation using a conditional directive - I use '#if UNIT_TESTS', with 'UNIT_TESTS' defined when required in a Build...
  13. Shivito1

    B4J Question Inline java use vairable

    Code: #if java public static void foo() { try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") String command = "c:\\windows\\system32\\net.exe use f: " + x ; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); System.out.print("does not = 1"); } catch (Exception name) {...