jdk 11

  1. JCO

    B4J Question Run UI App in Linux - Ubuntu 18.04.2

    Hello, I have a pretty simple UI B4J App which basically calls a Web Page, receives a response and shows it on a form. It works perfectly in Windows, but I can't get it to run on Ubuntu. I get this error: It was createded on B4J 7.31 with JDK 11.0.1 On the Linux box, both jdk and jfx 11 are...
  2. LWGShane

    Wish JDK and B4A/B4i

    Since the latest B4J is compatible with OpenJDK 11 and OpenJFX and that B4A/B4i will follow with adding support for OpenJDK 11, I want to suggest creating a "minimized-mobile only" OpenJDK and bundling it with future B4A and B4i installations, like how Microsoft does with Visual Studio and Xamarin.