
  1. F

    B4J Question JMqtt 1.25

    Good morning everyone, My B4J project uses the JMqtt 1.25 library to communicate with a Mosquitto server installed on the same machine where my application runs. There are about a hundred devices connected to the server that send messages on various topics with an average payload length of 220...
  2. H

    B4J Question jMQTT getting (EOFException) from rabbitmq broker

    Hello, This concerns the jMQTT. I downloaded the sample MQTTCanvas and tried it on the mosquitto broker running on linux and it was good--it connected and send & receive messages. Then, I tried on the rabbitmq broker and I'm getting the response "(EOFException)" at start...
  3. A

    Android Question MQTT payload type

    Hi, I'm doing some test with a MQTT broker, using the MQTTBox tool, to verify all is working well, before use my APP. The topic to publish and the payload used are in the following screenshot: With this tool, all is working fine. When I use the APP, I can connect to the broker perfectly...