
  1. abbas abedi

    Android Question add link list to JSON with slash

    hello I have problem I wanna add a link list to a json text this is my link list : LinkList.Add("/neda/live-post-image/1.jpg") LinkList.Add("/neda/live-post-image/2.jpg") LinkList.Add("/neda/live-post-image/3.jpg") this is wrong result ("\"\/ \"") ...
  2. cklester

    B4J Question Unavoidable Spaces In JSON from API Upsetting the JSONParser

    I'm getting some JSON from a website, and they apparently don't properly terminate their strings. It's causing this error: Looks like the spaces in the string values are causing issues. How can I properly parse that string into JSON, since I have no control over what I receive from the API?
  3. D

    Android Question JSON parser

    Hey I faced such a problem, I will be glad to any advice or help, perhaps someone has already encountered such a problem. I store my data encoded as strings (locally and on a remote server, like base64). Now, when I receive a JSON file, I get an error because the string that I need to decode has...