
  1. B4A Library Network Service Discovery - Apple Bonjour – mDNS – Zero Configuration Networking

    Hi, I am designing an IoT device that required an auto-discovery service. I did not find any way to easily read a Bonjour Answer (mDNS - [5353]). To fix my problem I decided to wrap the Network service discovery (NSD) from android...
  2. Wish Apple Bonjour library / zero-configuration networking / mDNS

    An apple Bonjour library could come very handy! Do any IoT developer here have found an easy way to read multicast [5353] mDNS?
  3. Android Question App 'Service Browser' finds the IP of ESP8266, how to do this with b4a?

    The Arduino IDE can find the IP address of the ESP8266 (mDNS:arduino) when it is programmed with OTA, but we also have ESP-LINK software, which allows the ESP8266 to work in transparent (TCP / IP-Serial) mode allowing reprogramming of microcontrollers like Atmega328 (Arduino UNO / Nano / Pro...
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